[2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Starting Metagenomic-DeepFRI. [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Command parameters: [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Input: /nfs/cds-peta/exports/biol_micro_cds_gr_sunagawa/scratch/vbezshapkin/Metagenomic-DeepFRI/JC-1475_annot.faa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Database: ('/nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases/afdb_swissprot_v4', '/nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases/highquality_clust30') [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Weights: /nfs/cds-peta/exports/biol_micro_cds_gr_sunagawa/scratch/vbezshapkin/Metagenomic-DeepFRI/mdf_weights/ [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Output: /nfs/cds-peta/exports/biol_micro_cds_gr_sunagawa/scratch/vbezshapkin/Metagenomic-DeepFRI/../mDeepFRI_test/test_output_2/ [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Processing modes: ('cc',) [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Angstrom contact threshold: 6.0 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Generate contacts: 2 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: MMSeqs2 minimum bitscore: None [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: MMSeqs2 maximum e-value: 0.001 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: MMSeqs2 minimum identity: 0.5 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Top k results: 5 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Alignment gap open: 10 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Alignment gap extend: 1 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Alignment minimum identity: 0.5 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Remove intermediate: False [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Overwrite: False [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Threads: 16 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Skip PDB: False [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Minimum length: 60 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] cli.predict_function INFO: Maximum length: 1000 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: EC number prediction is not supported in version 1.1. [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Creating PDB100 database. This may take a bit during a first run. [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: PDB100 database created. [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Building MMSeqs2 database from /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases/afdb_swissprot_v4 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Found /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases/afdb_swissprot_v4.fasta.gz in /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Skipping extraction of FASTA file from FoldComp database. [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Database created at /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Found /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases/afdb_swissprot_v4.mmseqsDB in /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Skipping creation of MMSeqs2 database. [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Building MMSeqs2 database from /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases/highquality_clust30 [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Found /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases/highquality_clust30.fasta.gz in /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Skipping extraction of FASTA file from FoldComp database. [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Database created at /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Found /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases/highquality_clust30.mmseqsDB in /nfs/nas22/fs2202/biol_micro_sunagawa/Projects/EAN/PROPHAGE_REFSEQ_EAN/scratch/databases [2024-04-02 15:43:07] database.build_database INFO: Skipping creation of MMSeqs2 database. [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003508_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003508_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 18 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002451_stage_V_sporulation_protein_SpoVM_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 27 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002748_YolD-like_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 28 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005025_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 28 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000818_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 29 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003556_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 29 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001027_LPXTG_cell_wall_anchor_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 30 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004233_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 30 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001657_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 31 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003846_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 33 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002267_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 34 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001110_methionine/alanine_import_family_NSS_transporter_small_subunit_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 35 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002654_SDR_family_oxidoreductase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 35 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004536_DUF4176_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 36 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000602_cortex_morphogenetic_protein_CmpA_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 37 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002088_50S_ribosomal_protein_L36_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 37 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004234_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 38 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004946_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 38 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002299_DUF6254_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 39 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000075_GapA-binding_peptide_SR1P_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 40 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002338_GapA-binding_peptide_SR1P_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 40 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004923_ATP-binding_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 40 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001656_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 40 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002207_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 41 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003463_CcmD_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 41 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005695_paeninodin_family_lasso_peptide_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 41 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005742_YuiA_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 41 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003186_FbpB_family_small_basic_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 41 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004088_bacitracin_ABC_transporter_ATP-binding_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 42 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004642_DUF4023_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 42 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005653_anti-repressor_SinI_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 42 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000764_DUF3941_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 43 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000817_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 43 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003535_Z-ring_formation_inhibitor_MciZ_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 43 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003824_YuzL_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 43 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005784_YuzL_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 43 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001535_FbpB_family_small_basic_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 43 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001897_DUF3949_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 43 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003295_YrzQ_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 44 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003336_YqzM_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 44 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003812_sporulation_histidine_kinase_inhibitor_Sda_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 44 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003833_YhfH_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 44 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003834_YhfH_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 44 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004495_50S_ribosomal_protein_L34_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 44 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004979_sporulation_histidine_kinase_inhibitor_Sda_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 44 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001992_YfhE_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 44 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000271_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000271_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003488_YycC_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003691_small,_acid-soluble_spore_protein_L_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004763_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004763_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005099_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005099_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005224_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005224_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005303_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005303_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005446_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005446_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005462_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005462_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005631_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005631_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001400_YvrJ_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001548_Rdx_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 45 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000722_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000722_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001003_YrzI_family_small_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003316_YrzI_family_small_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003529_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003529_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003707_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003707_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003830_cold-shock_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004555_YrzI_family_small_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004960_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004960_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005109_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005109_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005521_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005521_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005575_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005575_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005687_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005687_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001545_small_acid-soluble_spore_protein_P_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001560_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001560_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001898_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001898_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 46 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000240_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000240_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000263_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000263_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003317_YrzI_family_small_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003366_YqzL_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003600_YpzI_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004360_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004360_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004540_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004540_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004760_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004760_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004857_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004857_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005629_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005629_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005678_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005678_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005710_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005710_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005718_aspartyl-phosphate_phosphatase_Spo0E_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001424_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001424_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001485_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001485_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001534_acid-soluble_spore_protein_N_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 47 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002425_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002425_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002934_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002934_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003002_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003002_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003672_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003672_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003829_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003829_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003941_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003941_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004568_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004568_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005137_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005137_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005356_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005356_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001412_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001412_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001698_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001698_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001733_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001733_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001809_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001809_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001916_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001916_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001964_cytochrome_C_oxidase_subunit_II_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002049_50S_ribosomal_protein_L33_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 48 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002268_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002790_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002790_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002972_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002972_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003677_cytochrome_c_oxidase_subunit_2A_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003402_50S_ribosomal_protein_L33_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004367_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004367_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004717_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004717_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004818_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004818_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005002_50S_ribosomal_protein_L33_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005018_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005018_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005418_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005418_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005541_anti-repressor_SinI_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001543_small_acid-soluble_spore_protein_O_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001879_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001879_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001895_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001895_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002028_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002028_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 49 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000685_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000685_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000759_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000759_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002216_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002216_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002747_YolD-like_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002880_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002880_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003745_YjcZ_family_sporulation_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003841_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003841_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004050_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004050_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004483_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004483_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004798_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004798_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005705_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005705_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001652_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001652_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001808_YpzG_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003159_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003159_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 50 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000850_FeoB-associated_Cys-rich_membrane_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 51 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004172_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004172_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 51 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004595_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004595_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 51 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004902_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004902_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 51 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001378_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001378_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 51 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001430_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001430_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 51 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001717_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001717_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 51 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000489_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000489_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000585_DUF1540_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000723_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000723_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000875_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000875_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002691_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002691_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002743_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002743_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003784_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003784_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003323_sporulation_histidine_kinase_inhibitor_Sda_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003965_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003965_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004345_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004345_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004458_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004458_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004531_CxxH/CxxC_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005557_DUF1540_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001687_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001687_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003205_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003205_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 52 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001177_DUF3934_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 53 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002278_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002278_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 53 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002781_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002781_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 53 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003319_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003319_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 53 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004054_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004054_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 53 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004366_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004366_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 53 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004713_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004713_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 53 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001777_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001777_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 53 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000120_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000120_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 54 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000580_YtzI_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 54 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000965_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000965_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 54 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004190_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004190_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 54 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004691_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004691_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 54 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005461_Fur-regulated_basic_protein_FbpA_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 54 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005540_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005540_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 54 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001658_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001658_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 54 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000232_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000232_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000632_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000632_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000643_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000643_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000692_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000692_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000908_DUF1427_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003109_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003109_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003768_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003768_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004252_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004252_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004301_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004301_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004898_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004898_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001578_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001578_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001721_EamA_family_transporter_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 55 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000780_spore_gernimation_protein_GerPD_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 56 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003643_YpmA_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 56 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003832_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003832_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 56 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004053_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004053_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 56 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004711_CsbD_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 56 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005049_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005049_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 56 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005668_ATP-binding_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 56 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001259_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001259_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 56 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001751_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001751_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 56 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001183_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001183_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 57 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002384_50S_ribosomal_protein_L32_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 57 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003353_30S_ribosomal_protein_S21_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 57 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003769_YozD_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 57 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004256_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004256_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 57 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004383_twin-arginine_translocase_TatA/TatE_family_subunit_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 57 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004482_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004482_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 57 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005713_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005713_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 57 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001996_small,_acid-soluble_spore_protein_K_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 57 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000318_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000318_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 58 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001010_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001010_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 58 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002753_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002753_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 58 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003412_DUF2759_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 58 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003595_YpfB_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 58 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005189_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005189_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 58 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001525_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001525_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 58 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001716_YkvS_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 58 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000562_glycogen_biosynthesis_protein_GlgD_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000748_YjzC_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000857_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000857_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000816_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000816_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002309_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002309_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003682_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_003682_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003842_H-type_small_acid-soluble_spore_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004181_CBS_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004641_H-type_small_acid-soluble_spore_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004734_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_004734_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005122_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005122_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005621_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005621_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001411_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001411_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001676_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_001676_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too short 59 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000822_AAA_family_ATPase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1004 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000661_glycosyl_hydrolase_53_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1005 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001163_DUF4981_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1008 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004227_efflux_RND_transporter_permease_subunit_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1010 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004828_peptidase_S8_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1011 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001349_DUF4981_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1019 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001066_efflux_RND_transporter_permease_subunit_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1027 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005568_MMPL_family_transporter_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1027 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004745_Ig-like_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1029 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002622_DUF4981_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1043 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000630_Ig-like_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1044 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003120_SMC_family_ATPase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1045 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003160_glycosyltransferase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1048 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003963_MMPL_family_transporter_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1050 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005048_ATP-binding_cassette_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1054 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001251_PA14_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1058 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002429_carbamoyl-phosphate_synthase_large_subunit_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1068 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001224_DEAD/DEAH_box_helicase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1073 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001984_carbamoyl-phosphate_synthase_(glutamine-hydrolyzing)_large_subunit_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1078 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000904_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000904_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1079 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002595_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002595_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1079 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005627_transcriptional_regulator_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1082 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004651_methylmalonyl-CoA_mutase_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1088 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000477_DNA_polymerase_III_subunit_alpha_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1120 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004447_PA14_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1130 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002960_glycoside_hydrolase_family_3_C-terminal_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1138 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002780_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002780_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1141 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002356_pyruvate_carboxylase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1146 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005700_methionine_synthase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1149 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000784_helicase-exonuclease_AddAB_subunit_AddB_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1161 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003203_InlB_B-repeat-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1170 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004786_glycosyltransferase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1177 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002139_transcription-repair_coupling_factor_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1177 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005820_bifunctional_2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide_2'-phosphodiesterase/3'-nucleotidase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1178 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002057_DNA-directed_RNA_polymerase_subunit_beta_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1186 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002464_chromosome_segregation_protein_SMC_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1188 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002058_DNA-directed_RNA_polymerase_subunit_beta'_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1199 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001157_chitobiase/beta-hexosaminidase_C-terminal_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1201 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005194_AAA_family_ATPase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1204 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001061_polysaccharide_lyase_beta-sandwich_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1213 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001705_urea_carboxylase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1219 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003683_dynamin_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1222 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004894_glycosyltransferase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1234 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000783_helicase-exonuclease_AddAB_subunit_AddA_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1263 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_000293_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_000293_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1277 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004826_Ig-like_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1383 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004264_5'-nucleotidase_C-terminal_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1388 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002493_PolC-type_DNA_polymerase_III_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1440 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_005572_alpha-amylase_family_glycosyl_hydrolase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1447 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002845_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002845_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1487 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002009_glutamate_synthase-related_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1489 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002824_glutamate_synthase_large_subunit_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1515 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003150_type_VII_secretion_protein_EssC_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1539 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002834_Ig-like_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1543 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_004445_family_43_glycosylhydrolase_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1544 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_003139_Ig-like_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1625 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002750_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_002750_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1648 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_002793_pectinesterase_family_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1665 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Skipping JC-1475tmp_001282_Ig-like_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus]; sequence too long 1997 aa [2024-04-02 15:43:07] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Aligning 5438 sequences against pdb100_230517. [2024-04-02 15:43:27] mmseqs.filter_mmseqs_results INFO: 5146 pairs after filtering with k=5 best hits. [2024-04-02 15:43:30] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 4PZK[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'SAH' present; JC-1475tmp_000946_tRNA_(uridine(34)/cytosine(34)/5-carboxymethylaminomethyluridine(34)-2'-O)-methyltransferase_TrmL_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:30] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1TV8[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'SAM' present; JC-1475tmp_000753_GTP_3',8-cyclase_MoaA_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:30] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 4YKG[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'CSD' present; JC-1475tmp_001426_alkyl_hydroperoxide_reductase_subunit_F_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:31] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 2HMA[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'SAM' present; JC-1475tmp_000308_tRNA_2-thiouridine(34)_synthase_MnmA_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:32] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1PZX[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'PLM' present; JC-1475tmp_000763_DegV_family_protein_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:32] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 8H0S[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'SAM' present; JC-1475tmp_000565_methyltransferase_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:32] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3FYS[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'PLM' present; JC-1475tmp_001231_DegV_family_protein_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:35] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 8HYH[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'PYR' present; JC-1475tmp_001362_alanine_dehydrogenase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:35] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 7MS2[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'SEP' present; JC-1475tmp_000174_glycoside_hydrolase_family_3_C-terminal_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:35] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1K1D[Chain G] - non-standard residue 'KCX' present; JC-1475tmp_001457_dihydropyrimidinase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:35] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3D54[Chain L] - non-standard residue 'CYG' present; JC-1475tmp_000986_phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine_synthase_subunit_PurQ_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:36] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 2FQT[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'H1D' present; JC-1475tmp_000581_S-ribosylhomocysteine_lyase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:36] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 2GZM[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'DGL' present; JC-1475tmp_000407_glutamate_racemase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:36] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 2A5H[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'SAM' present; JC-1475tmp_000697_lysine_2,3-aminomutase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:36] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 6U7L[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'PHD' present; JC-1475tmp_001040_galactarate_dehydratase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:37] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 4WXY[Chain K] - non-standard residue 'L5P' present; JC-1475tmp_000707_pyridoxal_5'-phosphate_synthase_lyase_subunit_PdxS_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:38] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 2HZT[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'CSU' present; JC-1475tmp_001320_winged_helix-turn-helix_transcriptional_regulator_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:38] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1HQS[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'CME' present; JC-1475tmp_000466_NADP-dependent_isocitrate_dehydrogenase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:38] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1FTX[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'KCX' present; JC-1475tmp_000606_alanine_racemase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:39] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3RUY[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'LLP' present; JC-1475tmp_001481_ornithine--oxo-acid_transaminase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:39] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3PEA[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'FLC' present; JC-1475tmp_000420_enoyl-CoA_hydratase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:40] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 6FH3[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'RPI' present; JC-1475tmp_002035_protein_arginine_kinase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:43] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3KY7[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'OCS' present; JC-1475tmp_002472_tRNA_(guanosine(37)-N1)-methyltransferase_TrmD_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:47] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3A74[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'LYN' present; JC-1475tmp_002114_lysine--tRNA_ligase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:47] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3PJ0[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'LLP' present; JC-1475tmp_001732_aminotransferase_class_I/II-fold_pyridoxal_phosphate-dependent_enzyme_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:47] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3L44[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'LLP' present; JC-1475tmp_002010_glutamate-1-semialdehyde_2,1-aminomutase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:48] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 2GZ3[Chain C] - non-standard residue 'AS2' present; JC-1475tmp_002510_aspartate-semialdehyde_dehydrogenase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:49] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3OQO[Chain S] - non-standard residue 'SEP' present; JC-1475tmp_002304_phosphocarrier_protein_HPr_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:50] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 7MS2[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'SEP' present; JC-1475tmp_002839_glycoside_hydrolase_family_3_C-terminal_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:50] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 4GVO[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'CSX' present; JC-1475tmp_002985_transporter_substrate-binding_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:51] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1XA0[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'DTY' present; JC-1475tmp_003259_acryloyl-CoA_reductase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:53] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 5ZW4[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'SAM' present; JC-1475tmp_003302_O-methyltransferase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:55] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 2A5H[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'SAM' present; JC-1475tmp_003756_lysine_2,3-aminomutase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:55] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 4FHD[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'EEM' present; JC-1475tmp_003446_spore_photoproduct_lyase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:57] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 2DQ3[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'SSA' present; JC-1475tmp_003285_serine--tRNA_ligase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:58] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 4WXY[Chain K] - non-standard residue 'L5P' present; JC-1475tmp_003287_pyridoxal_5'-phosphate_synthase_lyase_subunit_PdxS_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:58] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 5KIN[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'LLP' present; JC-1475tmp_003808_tryptophan_synthase_subunit_beta_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:59] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1H18[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'PYR' present; JC-1475tmp_003818_formate_C-acetyltransferase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:43:59] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 7C91[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'DSG' present; JC-1475tmp_003591_asparaginase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:01] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1AN5[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'CB3' present; JC-1475tmp_003726_thymidylate_synthase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:01] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3OT9[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'TPO' present; JC-1475tmp_003542_phosphopentomutase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:02] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 4NSN[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'CSO' present; JC-1475tmp_003543_purine-nucleoside_phosphorylase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:03] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1KL2[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'FON' present; JC-1475tmp_004674_serine_hydroxymethyltransferase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:04] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 2CBF[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'SAH' present; JC-1475tmp_005291_precorrin-4_C(11)-methyltransferase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:05] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1H4S[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'P5A' present; JC-1475tmp_003966_proline--tRNA_ligase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:05] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 5USD[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'DSZ' present; JC-1475tmp_003747_LD-carboxypeptidase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:06] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1KL2[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'FON' present; JC-1475tmp_004241_serine_hydroxymethyltransferase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:06] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3SS6[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'CSO' present; JC-1475tmp_005331_thiolase_family_protein_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:07] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 1EKK[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'CSD' present; JC-1475tmp_005069_hydroxyethylthiazole_kinase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:09] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 6N63[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'GOA' present; JC-1475tmp_005818_hypothetical_protein_JC-1475tmp_005818_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:09] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 4WGF[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'ROP' present; JC-1475tmp_005141_hydrolase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:10] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 4NAS[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'KCX' present; JC-1475tmp_005587_2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate_enolase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:10] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 7CEP[Chain A] - non-standard residue '7TS' present; JC-1475tmp_005768_cysteine_desulfurase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:13] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3RUY[Chain A] - non-standard residue 'LLP' present; JC-1475tmp_005724_ornithine--oxo-acid_transaminase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:14] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 5Y2P[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'OCS' present; JC-1475tmp_005410_urate_oxidase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:14] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 3HSA[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'MLY' present; JC-1475tmp_005729_PH_domain-containing_protein_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:15] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 5DIB[Chain C] - non-standard residue 'CME' present; JC-1475tmp_005641_aldehyde_dehydrogenase_family_protein_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:15] pdb.get_pdb_seq_coords WARNING: Error extracting residues and coordinates for PDB ID 7TDV[Chain B] - non-standard residue 'P3S' present; JC-1475tmp_005785_type_I_glutamate--ammonia_ligase_[Virgibacillus] alignment skipped. [2024-04-02 15:44:17] bio_utils.build_align_contact_map WARNING: Error aligning contact map for PDB ID 2GJR[Chain A] against JC-1475tmp_000035_alpha-amylase_[Virgibacillus]. Aligning contact maps against pdb100_230517: 0%| | 0/912 [00:00], ?it/s Aligning contact maps against pdb100_230517: 14%|█▎ | 125/912 [00:00], 1164.44it/s[2024-04-02 15:44:17] bio_utils.build_align_contact_map WARNING: Error aligning contact map for PDB ID 3B3D[Chain C] against JC-1475tmp_001322_aldo/keto_reductase_[Virgibacillus]. Aligning contact maps against pdb100_230517: 27%|██▋ | 245/912 [00:00], 1135.48it/s[2024-04-02 15:44:17] bio_utils.build_align_contact_map WARNING: Error aligning contact map for PDB ID 1HM8[Chain A] against JC-1475tmp_002144_bifunctional_UDP-N-acetylglucosamine_diphosphorylase/glucosamine-1-phosphate_N-acetyltransferase_GlmU_[Virgibacillus]. Aligning contact maps against pdb100_230517: 48%|████▊ | 434/912 [00:00], 1437.23it/s Aligning contact maps against pdb100_230517: 61%|██████ | 556/912 [00:00], 1351.19it/s[2024-04-02 15:44:18] bio_utils.build_align_contact_map WARNING: Error aligning contact map for PDB ID 1TKK[Chain C] against JC-1475tmp_003956_dipeptide_epimerase_[Virgibacillus]. [2024-04-02 15:44:18] bio_utils.build_align_contact_map WARNING: Error aligning contact map for PDB ID 5HO0[Chain A] against JC-1475tmp_004263_family_43_glycosylhydrolase_[Virgibacillus]. Aligning contact maps against pdb100_230517: 76%|███████▌ | 690/912 [00:00], 1346.45it/s[2024-04-02 15:44:18] bio_utils.build_align_contact_map WARNING: Error aligning contact map for PDB ID 5TKV[Chain A] against JC-1475tmp_004654_CTP_synthase_[Virgibacillus]. [2024-04-02 15:44:18] bio_utils.build_align_contact_map WARNING: Error aligning contact map for PDB ID 5FFN[Chain A] against JC-1475tmp_005707_S8_family_serine_peptidase_[Virgibacillus]. Aligning contact maps against pdb100_230517: 90%|█████████ | 823/912 [00:00], 1309.52it/s Aligning contact maps against pdb100_230517: 100%|██████████| 912/912 [00:00], 1343.48it/s [2024-04-02 15:44:18] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Aligned 847/5438 (15.58% of total) proteins against pdb100_230517. [2024-04-02 15:44:18] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Aligned 847/5438 (15.58%) proteins in total. [2024-04-02 15:44:18] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Aligning 5438 sequences against afdb_swissprot_v4. [2024-04-02 15:44:44] mmseqs.filter_mmseqs_results INFO: 7510 pairs after filtering with k=5 best hits. Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 0%| | 0/1168 [00:00], ?it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 10%|▉ | 116/1168 [00:00], 929.45it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 20%|█▉ | 232/1168 [00:00], 962.72it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 30%|██▉ | 348/1168 [00:00], 972.33it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 42%|████▏ | 490/1168 [00:00], 1106.34it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 52%|█████▏ | 606/1168 [00:00], 1067.56it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 62%|██████▏ | 722/1168 [00:00], 1072.83it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 74%|███████▍ | 862/1168 [00:00], 1171.59it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 84%|████████▎ | 978/1168 [00:00], 1146.36it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 94%|█████████▍| 1096/1168 [00:00], 1155.61it/s Aligning contact maps against afdb_swissprot_v4: 100%|██████████| 1168/1168 [00:01], 1103.41it/s [2024-04-02 15:45:13] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Aligned 1168/5438 (21.48% of total) proteins against afdb_swissprot_v4. [2024-04-02 15:45:13] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Aligned 2015/5438 (37.05%) proteins in total. [2024-04-02 15:45:13] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Aligning 5438 sequences against highquality_clust30. [2024-04-02 15:47:29] mmseqs.filter_mmseqs_results INFO: 23269 pairs after filtering with k=5 best hits. Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 0%| | 0/2141 [00:00], ?it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 10%|▉ | 214/2141 [00:00], 683.68it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 20%|█▉ | 428/2141 [00:00], 944.12it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 30%|██▉ | 642/2141 [00:00], 1115.58it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 40%|███▉ | 856/2141 [00:00], 1274.58it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 50%|████▉ | 1070/2141 [00:00], 1181.20it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 60%|█████▉ | 1284/2141 [00:01], 1269.44it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 70%|██████▉ | 1498/2141 [00:01], 1377.00it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 80%|███████▉ | 1712/2141 [00:01], 1365.82it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 90%|████████▉ | 1926/2141 [00:01], 1443.52it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 100%|█████████▉| 2140/2141 [00:01], 1407.98it/s Aligning contact maps against highquality_clust30: 100%|██████████| 2141/2141 [00:01], 1268.24it/s [2024-04-02 15:51:48] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Aligned 2141/5438 (39.37% of total) proteins against highquality_clust30. [2024-04-02 15:51:48] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Aligned 4156/5438 (76.43%) proteins in total. [2024-04-02 15:51:48] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Processing mode: GO Cellular Component; 1/1 2024-04-02 15:51:48.739558029 [E:onnxruntime:Default, provider_bridge_ort.cc:1480 TryGetProviderInfo_CUDA] /onnxruntime_src/onnxruntime/core/session/provider_bridge_ort.cc:1193 onnxruntime::Provider& onnxruntime::ProviderLibrary::Get() [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : Failed to load library libonnxruntime_providers_cuda.so with error: libcublasLt.so.11: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2024-04-02 15:51:48.739615863 [W:onnxruntime:Default, onnxruntime_pybind_state.cc:747 CreateExecutionProviderInstance] Failed to create CUDAExecutionProvider. Please reference https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/execution-providers/CUDA-ExecutionProvider.html#requirements to ensure all dependencies are met. Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 0%| | 0/4156 [00:00], ?it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 10%|▉ | 415/4156 [00:04], 97.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 20%|█▉ | 830/4156 [00:11], 66.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 30%|██▉ | 1245/4156 [00:22], 50.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 40%|███▉ | 1660/4156 [00:36], 40.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 40%|███▉ | 1660/4156 [00:46], 40.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1936/4156 [00:46], 34.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1939/4156 [00:46], 34.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1942/4156 [00:47], 34.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1945/4156 [00:47], 34.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1948/4156 [00:47], 34.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1951/4156 [00:47], 34.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1954/4156 [00:47], 33.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1957/4156 [00:47], 33.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1960/4156 [00:47], 32.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1963/4156 [00:47], 31.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1966/4156 [00:48], 31.05it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1969/4156 [00:48], 30.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 47%|████▋ | 1972/4156 [00:48], 29.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 1975/4156 [00:48], 28.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 1978/4156 [00:48], 27.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 1981/4156 [00:48], 26.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 1984/4156 [00:48], 25.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 1987/4156 [00:48], 25.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 1990/4156 [00:49], 24.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 1993/4156 [00:49], 24.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 1996/4156 [00:49], 24.03it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 1999/4156 [00:49], 23.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 2002/4156 [00:49], 23.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 2005/4156 [00:49], 23.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 2008/4156 [00:49], 23.51it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 2011/4156 [00:50], 23.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 48%|████▊ | 2014/4156 [00:50], 23.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▊ | 2017/4156 [00:50], 23.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▊ | 2020/4156 [00:50], 23.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▊ | 2023/4156 [00:50], 22.81it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▊ | 2026/4156 [00:50], 22.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2029/4156 [00:50], 22.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2032/4156 [00:50], 23.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2035/4156 [00:51], 23.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2038/4156 [00:51], 22.98it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2041/4156 [00:51], 22.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2044/4156 [00:51], 22.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2047/4156 [00:51], 22.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2050/4156 [00:51], 22.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2053/4156 [00:51], 22.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 49%|████▉ | 2056/4156 [00:51], 22.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|████▉ | 2059/4156 [00:52], 22.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|████▉ | 2062/4156 [00:52], 22.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|████▉ | 2065/4156 [00:52], 22.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|████▉ | 2068/4156 [00:52], 22.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|████▉ | 2071/4156 [00:52], 22.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|████▉ | 2074/4156 [00:52], 22.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|████▉ | 2077/4156 [00:52], 22.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|█████ | 2080/4156 [00:53], 22.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|█████ | 2083/4156 [00:53], 22.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|█████ | 2086/4156 [00:53], 22.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|█████ | 2089/4156 [00:53], 22.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|█████ | 2092/4156 [00:53], 22.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|█████ | 2095/4156 [00:53], 22.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|█████ | 2098/4156 [00:53], 22.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2101/4156 [00:53], 22.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2104/4156 [00:54], 22.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2107/4156 [00:54], 22.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2110/4156 [00:54], 22.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2113/4156 [00:54], 22.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2116/4156 [00:54], 22.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2119/4156 [00:54], 22.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2122/4156 [00:54], 22.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2125/4156 [00:55], 22.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████ | 2128/4156 [00:55], 22.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████▏ | 2131/4156 [00:55], 21.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████▏ | 2134/4156 [00:55], 21.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████▏ | 2137/4156 [00:55], 21.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 51%|█████▏ | 2140/4156 [00:55], 21.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2143/4156 [00:55], 21.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2146/4156 [00:56], 21.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2149/4156 [00:56], 21.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2152/4156 [00:56], 22.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2155/4156 [00:56], 21.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2158/4156 [00:56], 21.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2161/4156 [00:56], 21.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2164/4156 [00:56], 22.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2167/4156 [00:56], 22.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2170/4156 [00:57], 22.03it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2173/4156 [00:57], 21.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2176/4156 [00:57], 21.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 52%|█████▏ | 2179/4156 [00:57], 21.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2182/4156 [00:57], 21.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2185/4156 [00:57], 21.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2188/4156 [00:57], 21.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2191/4156 [00:58], 21.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2194/4156 [00:58], 21.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2197/4156 [00:58], 21.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2200/4156 [00:58], 21.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2203/4156 [00:58], 21.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2206/4156 [00:58], 21.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2209/4156 [00:58], 21.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2212/4156 [00:59], 21.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2215/4156 [00:59], 21.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2218/4156 [00:59], 21.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 53%|█████▎ | 2221/4156 [00:59], 21.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▎ | 2224/4156 [00:59], 21.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▎ | 2227/4156 [00:59], 21.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▎ | 2230/4156 [00:59], 21.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▎ | 2233/4156 [01:00], 21.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2236/4156 [01:00], 21.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2239/4156 [01:00], 21.29it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2242/4156 [01:00], 21.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2245/4156 [01:00], 21.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2248/4156 [01:00], 21.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2251/4156 [01:00], 21.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2254/4156 [01:01], 21.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2257/4156 [01:01], 21.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2260/4156 [01:01], 21.25it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 54%|█████▍ | 2263/4156 [01:01], 21.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▍ | 2266/4156 [01:01], 21.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▍ | 2269/4156 [01:01], 21.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▍ | 2272/4156 [01:01], 20.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▍ | 2275/4156 [01:02], 20.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▍ | 2278/4156 [01:02], 20.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▍ | 2281/4156 [01:02], 20.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▍ | 2283/4156 [01:02], 20.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▌ | 2286/4156 [01:02], 20.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▌ | 2289/4156 [01:02], 20.56it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▌ | 2292/4156 [01:02], 20.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▌ | 2295/4156 [01:03], 20.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▌ | 2298/4156 [01:03], 20.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▌ | 2301/4156 [01:03], 20.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 55%|█████▌ | 2304/4156 [01:03], 20.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2307/4156 [01:03], 20.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2310/4156 [01:03], 20.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2313/4156 [01:03], 20.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2316/4156 [01:04], 20.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2319/4156 [01:04], 20.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2322/4156 [01:04], 20.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2325/4156 [01:04], 20.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2328/4156 [01:04], 20.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2331/4156 [01:04], 20.65it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2334/4156 [01:04], 20.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▌ | 2337/4156 [01:05], 20.56it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▋ | 2340/4156 [01:05], 20.56it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▋ | 2343/4156 [01:05], 20.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 56%|█████▋ | 2346/4156 [01:05], 20.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2349/4156 [01:05], 20.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2352/4156 [01:05], 20.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2355/4156 [01:05], 20.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2358/4156 [01:06], 20.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2361/4156 [01:06], 20.25it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2364/4156 [01:06], 20.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2367/4156 [01:06], 20.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2370/4156 [01:06], 20.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2372/4156 [01:06], 20.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2374/4156 [01:06], 20.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2376/4156 [01:06], 20.04it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2379/4156 [01:07], 20.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2381/4156 [01:07], 19.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2383/4156 [01:07], 19.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2385/4156 [01:07], 19.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2387/4156 [01:07], 19.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 57%|█████▋ | 2389/4156 [01:07], 19.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2391/4156 [01:07], 19.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2393/4156 [01:07], 19.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2395/4156 [01:07], 19.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2397/4156 [01:08], 19.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2399/4156 [01:08], 19.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2401/4156 [01:08], 19.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2403/4156 [01:08], 19.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2405/4156 [01:08], 19.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2407/4156 [01:08], 19.65it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2409/4156 [01:08], 19.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2411/4156 [01:08], 19.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2413/4156 [01:08], 19.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2415/4156 [01:08], 19.56it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2417/4156 [01:09], 19.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2419/4156 [01:09], 19.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2421/4156 [01:09], 19.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2423/4156 [01:09], 19.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2425/4156 [01:09], 19.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2427/4156 [01:09], 19.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2429/4156 [01:09], 19.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 58%|█████▊ | 2431/4156 [01:09], 19.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▊ | 2433/4156 [01:09], 19.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▊ | 2435/4156 [01:09], 19.29it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▊ | 2437/4156 [01:10], 19.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▊ | 2439/4156 [01:10], 19.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▊ | 2441/4156 [01:10], 19.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2443/4156 [01:10], 19.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2445/4156 [01:10], 19.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2447/4156 [01:10], 19.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2449/4156 [01:10], 19.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2451/4156 [01:10], 19.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2453/4156 [01:10], 18.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2455/4156 [01:11], 18.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2457/4156 [01:11], 18.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2459/4156 [01:11], 19.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2461/4156 [01:11], 19.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2463/4156 [01:11], 19.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2465/4156 [01:11], 19.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2467/4156 [01:11], 19.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2469/4156 [01:11], 19.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 59%|█████▉ | 2471/4156 [01:11], 19.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2473/4156 [01:11], 19.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2475/4156 [01:12], 19.17it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2477/4156 [01:12], 19.17it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2479/4156 [01:12], 19.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2481/4156 [01:12], 19.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2483/4156 [01:12], 19.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2485/4156 [01:12], 19.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2487/4156 [01:12], 19.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2489/4156 [01:12], 19.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2491/4156 [01:12], 19.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 2493/4156 [01:13], 19.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2495/4156 [01:13], 19.04it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2497/4156 [01:13], 19.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2499/4156 [01:13], 19.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2501/4156 [01:13], 18.98it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2503/4156 [01:13], 19.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2505/4156 [01:13], 18.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2507/4156 [01:13], 18.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2509/4156 [01:13], 18.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2511/4156 [01:13], 18.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|██████ | 2513/4156 [01:14], 18.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2515/4156 [01:14], 18.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2517/4156 [01:14], 18.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2519/4156 [01:14], 18.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2521/4156 [01:14], 18.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2523/4156 [01:14], 18.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2525/4156 [01:14], 18.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2527/4156 [01:14], 18.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2529/4156 [01:14], 18.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2531/4156 [01:15], 18.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2533/4156 [01:15], 18.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2535/4156 [01:15], 18.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2537/4156 [01:15], 18.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2539/4156 [01:15], 18.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2541/4156 [01:15], 18.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2543/4156 [01:15], 18.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████ | 2545/4156 [01:15], 18.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████▏ | 2547/4156 [01:15], 18.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████▏ | 2549/4156 [01:15], 18.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████▏ | 2551/4156 [01:16], 18.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████▏ | 2553/4156 [01:16], 18.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 61%|██████▏ | 2555/4156 [01:16], 18.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2557/4156 [01:16], 18.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2559/4156 [01:16], 18.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2561/4156 [01:16], 18.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2563/4156 [01:16], 18.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2565/4156 [01:16], 18.65it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2567/4156 [01:16], 18.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2569/4156 [01:17], 18.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2571/4156 [01:17], 18.59it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2573/4156 [01:17], 18.61it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2575/4156 [01:17], 18.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2577/4156 [01:17], 18.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2579/4156 [01:17], 18.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2581/4156 [01:17], 18.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2583/4156 [01:17], 18.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2585/4156 [01:17], 18.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2587/4156 [01:18], 18.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2589/4156 [01:18], 18.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2591/4156 [01:18], 18.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2593/4156 [01:18], 18.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2595/4156 [01:18], 18.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 62%|██████▏ | 2597/4156 [01:18], 18.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2599/4156 [01:18], 18.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2601/4156 [01:18], 18.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2603/4156 [01:18], 18.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2605/4156 [01:19], 18.25it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2607/4156 [01:19], 18.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2609/4156 [01:19], 18.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2611/4156 [01:19], 18.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2613/4156 [01:19], 18.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2615/4156 [01:19], 18.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2617/4156 [01:19], 18.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2619/4156 [01:19], 18.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2621/4156 [01:19], 18.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2623/4156 [01:20], 17.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2625/4156 [01:20], 17.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2627/4156 [01:20], 17.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2629/4156 [01:20], 17.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2631/4156 [01:20], 17.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2633/4156 [01:20], 17.26it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2635/4156 [01:20], 17.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2637/4156 [01:20], 17.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 63%|██████▎ | 2639/4156 [01:20], 17.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▎ | 2641/4156 [01:21], 17.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▎ | 2643/4156 [01:21], 17.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▎ | 2645/4156 [01:21], 17.56it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▎ | 2647/4156 [01:21], 17.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▎ | 2649/4156 [01:21], 17.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2651/4156 [01:21], 17.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2653/4156 [01:21], 17.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2655/4156 [01:21], 17.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2657/4156 [01:21], 17.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2659/4156 [01:22], 17.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2661/4156 [01:22], 17.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2663/4156 [01:22], 17.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2665/4156 [01:22], 17.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2667/4156 [01:22], 17.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2669/4156 [01:22], 17.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2671/4156 [01:22], 17.41it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2673/4156 [01:22], 17.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2675/4156 [01:22], 17.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2677/4156 [01:23], 17.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 64%|██████▍ | 2679/4156 [01:23], 17.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2681/4156 [01:23], 17.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2683/4156 [01:23], 17.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2685/4156 [01:23], 17.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2687/4156 [01:23], 17.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2689/4156 [01:23], 17.32it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2691/4156 [01:23], 16.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2693/4156 [01:24], 17.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2695/4156 [01:24], 16.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2697/4156 [01:24], 17.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2699/4156 [01:24], 17.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▍ | 2701/4156 [01:24], 17.25it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2703/4156 [01:24], 17.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2705/4156 [01:24], 17.32it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2707/4156 [01:24], 17.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2709/4156 [01:24], 17.29it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2711/4156 [01:25], 17.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2713/4156 [01:25], 17.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2715/4156 [01:25], 17.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2717/4156 [01:25], 17.17it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2719/4156 [01:25], 17.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 65%|██████▌ | 2721/4156 [01:25], 17.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2723/4156 [01:25], 17.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2725/4156 [01:25], 17.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2727/4156 [01:26], 17.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2729/4156 [01:26], 17.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2731/4156 [01:26], 17.17it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2733/4156 [01:26], 17.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2735/4156 [01:26], 17.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2737/4156 [01:26], 17.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2739/4156 [01:26], 17.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2741/4156 [01:26], 17.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2743/4156 [01:26], 17.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2745/4156 [01:27], 17.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2747/4156 [01:27], 16.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2749/4156 [01:27], 16.98it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2751/4156 [01:27], 16.98it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▌ | 2753/4156 [01:27], 16.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▋ | 2755/4156 [01:27], 16.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▋ | 2757/4156 [01:27], 16.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▋ | 2759/4156 [01:27], 16.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▋ | 2761/4156 [01:28], 16.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 66%|██████▋ | 2763/4156 [01:28], 16.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2765/4156 [01:28], 16.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2767/4156 [01:28], 16.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2769/4156 [01:28], 16.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2771/4156 [01:28], 16.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2773/4156 [01:28], 16.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2775/4156 [01:28], 16.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2777/4156 [01:28], 16.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2779/4156 [01:29], 16.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2781/4156 [01:29], 16.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2783/4156 [01:29], 16.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2785/4156 [01:29], 16.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2787/4156 [01:29], 16.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2789/4156 [01:29], 16.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2791/4156 [01:29], 16.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2793/4156 [01:29], 16.65it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2795/4156 [01:30], 16.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2797/4156 [01:30], 16.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2799/4156 [01:30], 16.56it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2801/4156 [01:30], 16.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2803/4156 [01:30], 16.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 67%|██████▋ | 2805/4156 [01:30], 16.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2807/4156 [01:30], 16.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2809/4156 [01:30], 16.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2811/4156 [01:31], 16.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2813/4156 [01:31], 16.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2815/4156 [01:31], 16.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2817/4156 [01:31], 16.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2819/4156 [01:31], 16.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2821/4156 [01:31], 16.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2823/4156 [01:31], 16.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2825/4156 [01:31], 16.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2827/4156 [01:32], 16.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2829/4156 [01:32], 16.26it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2831/4156 [01:32], 16.29it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2833/4156 [01:32], 16.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2835/4156 [01:32], 16.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2837/4156 [01:32], 16.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2839/4156 [01:32], 16.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2841/4156 [01:32], 16.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2843/4156 [01:32], 16.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 68%|██████▊ | 2845/4156 [01:33], 16.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▊ | 2847/4156 [01:33], 16.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▊ | 2849/4156 [01:33], 16.29it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▊ | 2851/4156 [01:33], 16.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▊ | 2853/4156 [01:33], 16.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▊ | 2855/4156 [01:33], 16.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▊ | 2857/4156 [01:33], 16.29it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2859/4156 [01:33], 16.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2861/4156 [01:34], 16.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2863/4156 [01:34], 16.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2865/4156 [01:34], 16.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2867/4156 [01:34], 16.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2869/4156 [01:34], 16.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2871/4156 [01:34], 16.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2873/4156 [01:34], 16.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2875/4156 [01:34], 16.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2877/4156 [01:35], 16.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2879/4156 [01:35], 15.59it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2881/4156 [01:35], 15.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2883/4156 [01:35], 15.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2885/4156 [01:35], 15.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 69%|██████▉ | 2887/4156 [01:35], 15.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2889/4156 [01:35], 15.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2891/4156 [01:35], 15.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2893/4156 [01:36], 15.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2895/4156 [01:36], 15.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2897/4156 [01:36], 15.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2899/4156 [01:36], 15.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2901/4156 [01:36], 15.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2903/4156 [01:36], 15.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2905/4156 [01:36], 15.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2907/4156 [01:37], 15.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 2909/4156 [01:37], 15.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2911/4156 [01:37], 15.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2913/4156 [01:37], 15.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2915/4156 [01:37], 15.51it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2917/4156 [01:37], 15.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2919/4156 [01:37], 15.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2921/4156 [01:37], 15.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2923/4156 [01:38], 15.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2925/4156 [01:38], 15.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2927/4156 [01:38], 15.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|███████ | 2929/4156 [01:38], 15.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2931/4156 [01:38], 15.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2933/4156 [01:38], 15.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2935/4156 [01:38], 15.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2937/4156 [01:38], 15.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2939/4156 [01:39], 15.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2941/4156 [01:39], 15.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2943/4156 [01:39], 15.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2945/4156 [01:39], 15.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2947/4156 [01:39], 15.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2949/4156 [01:39], 15.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2951/4156 [01:39], 15.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2953/4156 [01:40], 15.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2955/4156 [01:40], 15.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2957/4156 [01:40], 15.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2959/4156 [01:40], 15.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████ | 2961/4156 [01:40], 15.04it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████▏ | 2963/4156 [01:40], 15.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████▏ | 2965/4156 [01:40], 15.03it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████▏ | 2967/4156 [01:40], 14.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████▏ | 2969/4156 [01:41], 14.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 71%|███████▏ | 2971/4156 [01:41], 14.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2973/4156 [01:41], 14.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2975/4156 [01:41], 14.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2977/4156 [01:41], 14.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2979/4156 [01:41], 14.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2981/4156 [01:41], 14.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2983/4156 [01:42], 14.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2985/4156 [01:42], 14.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2987/4156 [01:42], 14.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2989/4156 [01:42], 14.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2991/4156 [01:42], 14.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2993/4156 [01:42], 14.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2995/4156 [01:42], 14.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2997/4156 [01:42], 14.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 2999/4156 [01:43], 14.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 3001/4156 [01:43], 14.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 3003/4156 [01:43], 14.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 3005/4156 [01:43], 14.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 3007/4156 [01:43], 14.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 3009/4156 [01:43], 14.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 3011/4156 [01:43], 14.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 72%|███████▏ | 3013/4156 [01:44], 14.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3015/4156 [01:44], 14.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3017/4156 [01:44], 14.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3019/4156 [01:44], 14.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3021/4156 [01:44], 14.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3023/4156 [01:44], 14.59it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3025/4156 [01:44], 14.57it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3027/4156 [01:45], 14.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3029/4156 [01:45], 14.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3031/4156 [01:45], 14.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3033/4156 [01:45], 14.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3035/4156 [01:45], 14.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3037/4156 [01:45], 14.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3039/4156 [01:45], 14.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3041/4156 [01:46], 14.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3043/4156 [01:46], 14.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3045/4156 [01:46], 14.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3047/4156 [01:46], 14.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3049/4156 [01:46], 14.41it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3051/4156 [01:46], 14.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 73%|███████▎ | 3053/4156 [01:46], 14.32it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▎ | 3055/4156 [01:47], 14.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▎ | 3057/4156 [01:47], 14.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▎ | 3059/4156 [01:47], 14.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▎ | 3061/4156 [01:47], 14.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▎ | 3063/4156 [01:47], 14.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▎ | 3065/4156 [01:47], 14.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3067/4156 [01:47], 14.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3069/4156 [01:47], 14.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3071/4156 [01:48], 14.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3073/4156 [01:48], 14.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3075/4156 [01:48], 14.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3077/4156 [01:48], 14.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3079/4156 [01:48], 14.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3081/4156 [01:48], 14.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3083/4156 [01:48], 14.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3085/4156 [01:49], 14.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3087/4156 [01:49], 14.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3089/4156 [01:49], 14.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3091/4156 [01:49], 13.81it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3093/4156 [01:49], 13.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 74%|███████▍ | 3095/4156 [01:49], 13.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3097/4156 [01:49], 13.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3099/4156 [01:50], 13.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3101/4156 [01:50], 13.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3103/4156 [01:50], 13.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3105/4156 [01:50], 13.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3107/4156 [01:50], 13.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3109/4156 [01:50], 13.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3111/4156 [01:50], 13.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3113/4156 [01:51], 13.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▍ | 3115/4156 [01:51], 13.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3117/4156 [01:51], 13.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3119/4156 [01:51], 13.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3121/4156 [01:51], 13.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3123/4156 [01:51], 13.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3125/4156 [01:52], 13.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3127/4156 [01:52], 13.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3129/4156 [01:52], 13.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3131/4156 [01:52], 13.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3133/4156 [01:52], 13.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3135/4156 [01:52], 13.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 75%|███████▌ | 3137/4156 [01:52], 13.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3139/4156 [01:53], 13.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3141/4156 [01:53], 13.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3143/4156 [01:53], 13.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3145/4156 [01:53], 13.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3147/4156 [01:53], 13.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3149/4156 [01:53], 13.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3151/4156 [01:53], 13.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3153/4156 [01:54], 13.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3155/4156 [01:54], 13.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3157/4156 [01:54], 13.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3159/4156 [01:54], 13.26it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3161/4156 [01:54], 13.32it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3163/4156 [01:54], 13.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3165/4156 [01:54], 13.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▌ | 3167/4156 [01:55], 13.41it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▋ | 3169/4156 [01:55], 13.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▋ | 3171/4156 [01:55], 13.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▋ | 3173/4156 [01:55], 13.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▋ | 3175/4156 [01:55], 13.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▋ | 3177/4156 [01:55], 13.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 76%|███████▋ | 3179/4156 [01:56], 13.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3181/4156 [01:56], 13.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3183/4156 [01:56], 13.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3185/4156 [01:56], 13.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3187/4156 [01:56], 13.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3189/4156 [01:56], 13.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3191/4156 [01:56], 13.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3193/4156 [01:57], 13.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3195/4156 [01:57], 13.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3197/4156 [01:57], 13.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3199/4156 [01:57], 13.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3201/4156 [01:57], 13.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3203/4156 [01:57], 13.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3205/4156 [01:57], 13.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3207/4156 [01:58], 13.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3209/4156 [01:58], 13.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3211/4156 [01:58], 13.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3213/4156 [01:58], 13.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3215/4156 [01:58], 13.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3217/4156 [01:58], 13.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 77%|███████▋ | 3219/4156 [01:59], 13.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3221/4156 [01:59], 13.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3223/4156 [01:59], 13.05it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3225/4156 [01:59], 13.03it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3227/4156 [01:59], 13.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3229/4156 [01:59], 13.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3231/4156 [01:59], 12.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3233/4156 [02:00], 12.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3235/4156 [02:00], 12.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3237/4156 [02:00], 12.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3239/4156 [02:00], 12.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3241/4156 [02:00], 12.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3243/4156 [02:00], 12.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3245/4156 [02:01], 12.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3247/4156 [02:01], 12.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3249/4156 [02:01], 12.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3251/4156 [02:01], 12.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3253/4156 [02:01], 12.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3255/4156 [02:01], 12.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3257/4156 [02:02], 12.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3259/4156 [02:02], 12.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 78%|███████▊ | 3261/4156 [02:02], 12.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▊ | 3263/4156 [02:02], 12.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▊ | 3265/4156 [02:02], 12.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▊ | 3267/4156 [02:02], 12.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▊ | 3269/4156 [02:02], 12.51it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▊ | 3271/4156 [02:03], 12.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3273/4156 [02:03], 12.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3275/4156 [02:03], 12.51it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3277/4156 [02:03], 12.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3279/4156 [02:03], 12.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3281/4156 [02:03], 12.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3283/4156 [02:04], 12.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3285/4156 [02:04], 12.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3287/4156 [02:04], 12.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3289/4156 [02:04], 12.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3291/4156 [02:04], 12.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3293/4156 [02:04], 12.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3295/4156 [02:05], 12.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3297/4156 [02:05], 12.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3299/4156 [02:05], 12.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3301/4156 [02:05], 12.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 79%|███████▉ | 3303/4156 [02:05], 12.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3305/4156 [02:05], 12.26it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3307/4156 [02:06], 12.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3309/4156 [02:06], 12.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3311/4156 [02:06], 12.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3313/4156 [02:06], 12.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3315/4156 [02:06], 12.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3317/4156 [02:06], 11.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3319/4156 [02:07], 11.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3321/4156 [02:07], 11.98it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 3323/4156 [02:07], 12.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3325/4156 [02:07], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3327/4156 [02:07], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3329/4156 [02:07], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3331/4156 [02:08], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3333/4156 [02:08], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3335/4156 [02:08], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3337/4156 [02:08], 12.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3339/4156 [02:08], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3341/4156 [02:08], 12.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3343/4156 [02:09], 12.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|████████ | 3345/4156 [02:09], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3347/4156 [02:09], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3349/4156 [02:09], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3351/4156 [02:09], 12.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3353/4156 [02:09], 12.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3355/4156 [02:10], 11.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3357/4156 [02:10], 12.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3359/4156 [02:10], 11.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3361/4156 [02:10], 11.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3363/4156 [02:10], 11.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3365/4156 [02:10], 11.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3367/4156 [02:11], 11.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3369/4156 [02:11], 11.95it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3371/4156 [02:11], 11.95it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3373/4156 [02:11], 11.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████ | 3375/4156 [02:11], 11.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████▏ | 3377/4156 [02:11], 11.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████▏ | 3379/4156 [02:12], 11.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████▏ | 3381/4156 [02:12], 11.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████▏ | 3383/4156 [02:12], 11.57it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████▏ | 3385/4156 [02:12], 11.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 81%|████████▏ | 3387/4156 [02:12], 11.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3389/4156 [02:12], 11.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3391/4156 [02:13], 11.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3393/4156 [02:13], 11.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3395/4156 [02:13], 11.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3397/4156 [02:13], 11.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3399/4156 [02:13], 11.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3401/4156 [02:13], 11.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3403/4156 [02:14], 11.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3405/4156 [02:14], 11.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3407/4156 [02:14], 11.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3409/4156 [02:14], 11.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3411/4156 [02:14], 11.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3413/4156 [02:14], 11.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3415/4156 [02:15], 11.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3417/4156 [02:15], 11.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3419/4156 [02:15], 11.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3421/4156 [02:15], 11.65it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3423/4156 [02:15], 11.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3425/4156 [02:15], 11.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 82%|████████▏ | 3427/4156 [02:16], 11.59it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3429/4156 [02:16], 11.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3431/4156 [02:16], 11.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3433/4156 [02:16], 11.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3435/4156 [02:16], 11.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3437/4156 [02:17], 11.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3439/4156 [02:17], 11.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3441/4156 [02:17], 11.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3443/4156 [02:17], 11.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3445/4156 [02:17], 11.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3447/4156 [02:17], 11.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3449/4156 [02:18], 11.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3451/4156 [02:18], 11.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3453/4156 [02:18], 11.41it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3455/4156 [02:18], 11.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3457/4156 [02:18], 11.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3459/4156 [02:18], 11.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3461/4156 [02:19], 11.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3463/4156 [02:19], 11.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3465/4156 [02:19], 11.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3467/4156 [02:19], 11.32it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 83%|████████▎ | 3469/4156 [02:19], 11.32it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▎ | 3471/4156 [02:20], 11.32it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▎ | 3473/4156 [02:20], 11.29it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▎ | 3475/4156 [02:20], 11.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▎ | 3477/4156 [02:20], 11.26it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▎ | 3479/4156 [02:20], 11.26it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3481/4156 [02:20], 11.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3483/4156 [02:21], 11.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3485/4156 [02:21], 11.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3487/4156 [02:21], 11.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3489/4156 [02:21], 11.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3491/4156 [02:21], 11.17it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3493/4156 [02:21], 11.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3495/4156 [02:22], 11.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3497/4156 [02:22], 11.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3499/4156 [02:22], 11.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3501/4156 [02:22], 11.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3503/4156 [02:22], 11.03it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3505/4156 [02:23], 11.04it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3507/4156 [02:23], 11.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3509/4156 [02:23], 11.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 84%|████████▍ | 3511/4156 [02:23], 11.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3513/4156 [02:23], 11.04it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3515/4156 [02:23], 11.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3517/4156 [02:24], 11.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3519/4156 [02:24], 11.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3521/4156 [02:24], 11.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3523/4156 [02:24], 10.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3525/4156 [02:24], 10.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3527/4156 [02:25], 10.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3529/4156 [02:25], 10.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▍ | 3531/4156 [02:25], 10.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3533/4156 [02:25], 10.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3535/4156 [02:25], 10.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3537/4156 [02:26], 10.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3539/4156 [02:26], 10.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3541/4156 [02:26], 10.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3543/4156 [02:26], 10.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3545/4156 [02:26], 10.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3547/4156 [02:26], 10.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3549/4156 [02:27], 10.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3551/4156 [02:27], 10.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 85%|████████▌ | 3553/4156 [02:27], 10.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3555/4156 [02:27], 10.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3557/4156 [02:27], 10.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3559/4156 [02:28], 10.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3561/4156 [02:28], 10.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3563/4156 [02:28], 10.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3565/4156 [02:28], 10.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3567/4156 [02:28], 10.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3569/4156 [02:29], 10.59it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3571/4156 [02:29], 10.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3573/4156 [02:29], 10.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3575/4156 [02:29], 10.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3577/4156 [02:29], 10.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3579/4156 [02:29], 10.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3581/4156 [02:30], 10.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▌ | 3583/4156 [02:30], 10.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▋ | 3585/4156 [02:30], 10.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▋ | 3587/4156 [02:30], 10.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▋ | 3589/4156 [02:30], 10.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▋ | 3591/4156 [02:31], 10.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 86%|████████▋ | 3593/4156 [02:31], 10.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3595/4156 [02:31], 10.26it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3597/4156 [02:31], 10.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3599/4156 [02:31], 10.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3601/4156 [02:32], 10.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3603/4156 [02:32], 10.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3605/4156 [02:32], 10.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3607/4156 [02:32], 10.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3609/4156 [02:32], 10.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3611/4156 [02:33], 10.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3613/4156 [02:33], 10.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3615/4156 [02:33], 10.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3617/4156 [02:33], 10.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3618/4156 [02:33], 10.05it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3619/4156 [02:33], 10.04it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3620/4156 [02:34], 10.03it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3621/4156 [02:34], 10.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3622/4156 [02:34], 10.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3624/4156 [02:34], 10.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3625/4156 [02:34], 10.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3627/4156 [02:34], 10.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3628/4156 [02:34], 9.98it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3629/4156 [02:34], 9.95it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3630/4156 [02:35], 9.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3631/4156 [02:35], 9.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3632/4156 [02:35], 9.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3633/4156 [02:35], 9.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3634/4156 [02:35], 9.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3635/4156 [02:35], 9.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 87%|████████▋ | 3636/4156 [02:35], 9.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3637/4156 [02:35], 9.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3638/4156 [02:35], 9.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3639/4156 [02:35], 9.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3640/4156 [02:36], 9.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3641/4156 [02:36], 9.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3642/4156 [02:36], 9.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3643/4156 [02:36], 9.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3644/4156 [02:36], 9.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3645/4156 [02:36], 9.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3646/4156 [02:36], 9.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3647/4156 [02:36], 9.81it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3648/4156 [02:36], 9.81it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3649/4156 [02:36], 9.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3650/4156 [02:37], 9.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3651/4156 [02:37], 9.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3652/4156 [02:37], 9.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3653/4156 [02:37], 9.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3654/4156 [02:37], 9.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3655/4156 [02:37], 9.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3656/4156 [02:37], 9.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3657/4156 [02:37], 9.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3658/4156 [02:37], 9.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3659/4156 [02:37], 9.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3660/4156 [02:38], 9.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3661/4156 [02:38], 9.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3662/4156 [02:38], 9.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3663/4156 [02:38], 9.65it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3664/4156 [02:38], 9.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3665/4156 [02:38], 9.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3666/4156 [02:38], 9.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3667/4156 [02:38], 9.61it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3668/4156 [02:38], 9.57it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3669/4156 [02:39], 9.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3670/4156 [02:39], 9.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3671/4156 [02:39], 9.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3672/4156 [02:39], 9.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3673/4156 [02:39], 9.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3674/4156 [02:39], 9.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3675/4156 [02:39], 9.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3676/4156 [02:39], 9.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3677/4156 [02:39], 9.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 88%|████████▊ | 3678/4156 [02:39], 9.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3679/4156 [02:40], 9.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3680/4156 [02:40], 9.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3681/4156 [02:40], 9.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3682/4156 [02:40], 9.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3683/4156 [02:40], 9.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3684/4156 [02:40], 9.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3685/4156 [02:40], 9.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3686/4156 [02:40], 9.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3687/4156 [02:40], 9.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▊ | 3688/4156 [02:41], 9.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3689/4156 [02:41], 9.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3690/4156 [02:41], 9.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3691/4156 [02:41], 9.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3692/4156 [02:41], 9.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3693/4156 [02:41], 9.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3694/4156 [02:41], 9.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3695/4156 [02:41], 9.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3696/4156 [02:41], 9.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3697/4156 [02:41], 9.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3698/4156 [02:42], 9.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3699/4156 [02:42], 9.41it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3700/4156 [02:42], 9.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3701/4156 [02:42], 9.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3702/4156 [02:42], 9.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3703/4156 [02:42], 9.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3704/4156 [02:42], 9.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3705/4156 [02:42], 9.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3706/4156 [02:42], 9.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3707/4156 [02:43], 9.32it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3708/4156 [02:43], 9.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3709/4156 [02:43], 9.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3710/4156 [02:43], 9.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3711/4156 [02:43], 9.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3712/4156 [02:43], 9.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3713/4156 [02:43], 9.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3714/4156 [02:43], 9.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3715/4156 [02:43], 9.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3716/4156 [02:43], 9.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3717/4156 [02:44], 9.25it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3718/4156 [02:44], 9.29it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 3719/4156 [02:44], 9.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3720/4156 [02:44], 9.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3721/4156 [02:44], 9.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3722/4156 [02:44], 9.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3723/4156 [02:44], 9.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3724/4156 [02:44], 9.32it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3725/4156 [02:44], 9.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3726/4156 [02:45], 9.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3727/4156 [02:45], 9.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3728/4156 [02:45], 9.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3729/4156 [02:45], 9.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3730/4156 [02:45], 9.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3731/4156 [02:45], 9.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3732/4156 [02:45], 9.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3733/4156 [02:45], 9.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3734/4156 [02:45], 9.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3735/4156 [02:46], 9.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3736/4156 [02:46], 9.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3737/4156 [02:46], 9.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3738/4156 [02:46], 9.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3739/4156 [02:46], 9.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|████████▉ | 3740/4156 [02:46], 9.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3741/4156 [02:46], 9.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3742/4156 [02:46], 9.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3743/4156 [02:46], 9.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3744/4156 [02:47], 9.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3745/4156 [02:47], 9.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3746/4156 [02:47], 9.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3747/4156 [02:47], 9.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3748/4156 [02:47], 9.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3749/4156 [02:47], 9.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3750/4156 [02:47], 9.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3751/4156 [02:47], 9.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3752/4156 [02:47], 9.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3753/4156 [02:48], 9.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3754/4156 [02:48], 9.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3755/4156 [02:48], 9.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3756/4156 [02:48], 9.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3757/4156 [02:48], 9.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3758/4156 [02:48], 9.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3759/4156 [02:48], 9.05it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3760/4156 [02:48], 8.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 90%|█████████ | 3761/4156 [02:48], 8.57it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3762/4156 [02:49], 8.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3763/4156 [02:49], 8.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3764/4156 [02:49], 8.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3765/4156 [02:49], 8.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3766/4156 [02:49], 8.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3767/4156 [02:49], 8.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3768/4156 [02:49], 8.95it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3769/4156 [02:49], 8.95it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3770/4156 [02:49], 8.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3771/4156 [02:50], 8.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3772/4156 [02:50], 8.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3773/4156 [02:50], 8.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3774/4156 [02:50], 8.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3775/4156 [02:50], 8.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3776/4156 [02:50], 8.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3777/4156 [02:50], 8.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3778/4156 [02:50], 8.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3779/4156 [02:50], 8.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3780/4156 [02:51], 8.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3781/4156 [02:51], 8.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3782/4156 [02:51], 8.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3783/4156 [02:51], 8.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3784/4156 [02:51], 8.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3785/4156 [02:51], 8.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3786/4156 [02:51], 8.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3787/4156 [02:51], 8.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3788/4156 [02:51], 8.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3789/4156 [02:52], 8.81it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3790/4156 [02:52], 8.81it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3791/4156 [02:52], 8.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████ | 3792/4156 [02:52], 8.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3793/4156 [02:52], 8.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3794/4156 [02:52], 8.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3795/4156 [02:52], 8.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3796/4156 [02:52], 8.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3797/4156 [02:52], 8.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3798/4156 [02:53], 8.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3799/4156 [02:53], 8.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3800/4156 [02:53], 8.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3801/4156 [02:53], 8.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 91%|█████████▏| 3802/4156 [02:53], 8.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3803/4156 [02:53], 8.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3804/4156 [02:53], 8.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3805/4156 [02:53], 8.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3806/4156 [02:54], 8.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3807/4156 [02:54], 8.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3808/4156 [02:54], 8.61it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3809/4156 [02:54], 8.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3810/4156 [02:54], 8.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3811/4156 [02:54], 8.56it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3812/4156 [02:54], 8.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3813/4156 [02:54], 8.51it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3814/4156 [02:54], 8.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3815/4156 [02:55], 8.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3816/4156 [02:55], 8.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3817/4156 [02:55], 8.47it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3818/4156 [02:55], 8.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3819/4156 [02:55], 8.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3820/4156 [02:55], 8.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3821/4156 [02:55], 8.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3822/4156 [02:55], 8.41it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3823/4156 [02:56], 8.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3824/4156 [02:56], 8.39it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3825/4156 [02:56], 8.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3826/4156 [02:56], 8.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3827/4156 [02:56], 8.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3828/4156 [02:56], 8.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3829/4156 [02:56], 8.33it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3830/4156 [02:56], 8.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3831/4156 [02:56], 8.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3832/4156 [02:57], 8.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3833/4156 [02:57], 8.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3834/4156 [02:57], 8.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3835/4156 [02:57], 8.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3836/4156 [02:57], 8.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3837/4156 [02:57], 8.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3838/4156 [02:57], 8.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3839/4156 [02:57], 8.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3840/4156 [02:58], 8.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3841/4156 [02:58], 8.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3842/4156 [02:58], 8.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3843/4156 [02:58], 8.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 92%|█████████▏| 3844/4156 [02:58], 8.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3845/4156 [02:58], 8.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3846/4156 [02:58], 8.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3847/4156 [02:58], 8.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3848/4156 [02:59], 8.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3849/4156 [02:59], 8.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3850/4156 [02:59], 8.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3851/4156 [02:59], 8.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3852/4156 [02:59], 8.04it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3853/4156 [02:59], 8.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3854/4156 [02:59], 8.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3855/4156 [02:59], 7.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3856/4156 [03:00], 7.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3857/4156 [03:00], 7.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3858/4156 [03:00], 7.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3859/4156 [03:00], 7.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3860/4156 [03:00], 7.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3861/4156 [03:00], 7.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3862/4156 [03:00], 7.90it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3863/4156 [03:00], 7.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3864/4156 [03:01], 7.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3865/4156 [03:01], 7.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3866/4156 [03:01], 7.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3867/4156 [03:01], 7.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3868/4156 [03:01], 7.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3869/4156 [03:01], 7.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3870/4156 [03:01], 7.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3871/4156 [03:02], 7.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3872/4156 [03:02], 7.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3873/4156 [03:02], 7.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3874/4156 [03:02], 7.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3875/4156 [03:02], 7.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3876/4156 [03:02], 7.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3877/4156 [03:02], 7.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3878/4156 [03:02], 7.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3879/4156 [03:03], 7.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3880/4156 [03:03], 7.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3881/4156 [03:03], 7.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3882/4156 [03:03], 7.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3883/4156 [03:03], 7.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3884/4156 [03:03], 7.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 93%|█████████▎| 3885/4156 [03:03], 7.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3886/4156 [03:03], 7.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3887/4156 [03:04], 7.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3888/4156 [03:04], 7.65it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3889/4156 [03:04], 7.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3890/4156 [03:04], 7.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3891/4156 [03:04], 7.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3892/4156 [03:04], 7.59it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3893/4156 [03:04], 7.59it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3894/4156 [03:05], 7.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3895/4156 [03:05], 7.57it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▎| 3896/4156 [03:05], 7.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3897/4156 [03:05], 7.56it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3898/4156 [03:05], 7.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3899/4156 [03:05], 7.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3900/4156 [03:05], 7.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3901/4156 [03:05], 7.51it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3902/4156 [03:06], 7.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3903/4156 [03:06], 7.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3904/4156 [03:06], 7.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3905/4156 [03:06], 7.48it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3906/4156 [03:06], 7.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3907/4156 [03:06], 7.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3908/4156 [03:06], 7.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3909/4156 [03:07], 7.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3910/4156 [03:07], 7.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3911/4156 [03:07], 7.30it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3912/4156 [03:07], 7.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3913/4156 [03:07], 7.25it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3914/4156 [03:07], 7.23it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3915/4156 [03:07], 7.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3916/4156 [03:07], 7.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3917/4156 [03:08], 7.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3918/4156 [03:08], 7.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3919/4156 [03:08], 7.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3920/4156 [03:08], 7.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3921/4156 [03:08], 7.17it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3922/4156 [03:08], 7.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3923/4156 [03:08], 7.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3924/4156 [03:09], 7.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3925/4156 [03:09], 7.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3926/4156 [03:09], 7.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 94%|█████████▍| 3927/4156 [03:09], 7.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3928/4156 [03:09], 7.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3929/4156 [03:09], 7.10it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3930/4156 [03:09], 7.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3931/4156 [03:10], 7.06it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3932/4156 [03:10], 7.05it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3933/4156 [03:10], 7.04it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3934/4156 [03:10], 7.03it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3935/4156 [03:10], 7.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3936/4156 [03:10], 7.01it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3937/4156 [03:10], 6.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3938/4156 [03:11], 6.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3939/4156 [03:11], 6.98it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3940/4156 [03:11], 6.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3941/4156 [03:11], 6.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3942/4156 [03:11], 6.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3943/4156 [03:11], 6.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3944/4156 [03:11], 6.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3945/4156 [03:12], 6.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3946/4156 [03:12], 6.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3947/4156 [03:12], 6.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▍| 3948/4156 [03:12], 6.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3949/4156 [03:12], 6.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3950/4156 [03:12], 6.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3951/4156 [03:12], 6.91it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3952/4156 [03:13], 6.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3953/4156 [03:13], 6.93it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3954/4156 [03:13], 6.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3955/4156 [03:13], 6.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3956/4156 [03:13], 6.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3957/4156 [03:13], 6.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3958/4156 [03:13], 6.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3959/4156 [03:14], 6.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3960/4156 [03:14], 6.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3961/4156 [03:14], 6.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3962/4156 [03:14], 6.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3963/4156 [03:14], 6.81it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3964/4156 [03:14], 6.80it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3965/4156 [03:15], 6.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3966/4156 [03:15], 6.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3967/4156 [03:15], 6.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 95%|█████████▌| 3968/4156 [03:15], 6.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3969/4156 [03:15], 6.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3970/4156 [03:15], 6.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3971/4156 [03:15], 6.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3972/4156 [03:16], 6.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3973/4156 [03:16], 6.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3974/4156 [03:16], 6.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3975/4156 [03:16], 6.67it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3976/4156 [03:16], 6.65it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3977/4156 [03:16], 6.63it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3978/4156 [03:16], 6.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3979/4156 [03:17], 6.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3980/4156 [03:17], 6.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3981/4156 [03:17], 6.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3982/4156 [03:17], 6.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3983/4156 [03:17], 6.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3984/4156 [03:17], 6.44it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3985/4156 [03:18], 6.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3986/4156 [03:18], 6.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3987/4156 [03:18], 6.43it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3988/4156 [03:18], 6.41it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3989/4156 [03:18], 6.40it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3990/4156 [03:18], 6.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3991/4156 [03:19], 6.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3992/4156 [03:19], 6.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3993/4156 [03:19], 6.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3994/4156 [03:19], 6.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3995/4156 [03:19], 6.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3996/4156 [03:19], 6.26it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3997/4156 [03:19], 6.26it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3998/4156 [03:20], 6.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 3999/4156 [03:20], 6.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▌| 4000/4156 [03:20], 6.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4001/4156 [03:20], 6.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4002/4156 [03:20], 6.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4003/4156 [03:20], 6.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4004/4156 [03:21], 6.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4005/4156 [03:21], 6.21it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4006/4156 [03:21], 6.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4007/4156 [03:21], 6.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4008/4156 [03:21], 6.17it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4009/4156 [03:21], 6.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 96%|█████████▋| 4010/4156 [03:22], 6.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4011/4156 [03:22], 5.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4012/4156 [03:22], 5.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4013/4156 [03:22], 5.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4014/4156 [03:22], 5.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4015/4156 [03:22], 5.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4016/4156 [03:23], 5.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4017/4156 [03:23], 5.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4018/4156 [03:23], 5.89it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4019/4156 [03:23], 5.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4020/4156 [03:23], 5.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4021/4156 [03:23], 5.85it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4022/4156 [03:24], 5.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4023/4156 [03:24], 5.83it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4024/4156 [03:24], 5.82it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4025/4156 [03:24], 5.81it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4026/4156 [03:24], 5.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4027/4156 [03:25], 5.79it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4028/4156 [03:25], 5.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4029/4156 [03:25], 5.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4030/4156 [03:25], 5.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4031/4156 [03:25], 5.77it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4032/4156 [03:25], 5.76it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4033/4156 [03:26], 5.73it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4034/4156 [03:26], 5.71it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4035/4156 [03:26], 5.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4036/4156 [03:26], 5.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4037/4156 [03:26], 5.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4038/4156 [03:26], 5.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4039/4156 [03:27], 5.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4040/4156 [03:27], 5.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4041/4156 [03:27], 5.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4042/4156 [03:27], 5.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4043/4156 [03:27], 5.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4044/4156 [03:28], 5.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4045/4156 [03:28], 5.38it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4046/4156 [03:28], 5.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4047/4156 [03:28], 5.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4048/4156 [03:28], 5.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4049/4156 [03:28], 5.36it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4050/4156 [03:29], 5.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4051/4156 [03:29], 5.31it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 97%|█████████▋| 4052/4156 [03:29], 5.29it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4053/4156 [03:29], 5.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4054/4156 [03:29], 5.27it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4055/4156 [03:30], 5.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4056/4156 [03:30], 5.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4057/4156 [03:30], 5.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4058/4156 [03:30], 5.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4059/4156 [03:30], 5.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4060/4156 [03:31], 4.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4061/4156 [03:31], 4.99it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4062/4156 [03:31], 4.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4063/4156 [03:31], 4.96it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4064/4156 [03:31], 4.94it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4065/4156 [03:32], 4.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4066/4156 [03:32], 4.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4067/4156 [03:32], 4.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4068/4156 [03:32], 4.87it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4069/4156 [03:32], 4.86it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4070/4156 [03:33], 4.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4071/4156 [03:33], 4.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4072/4156 [03:33], 4.72it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4073/4156 [03:33], 4.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4074/4156 [03:34], 4.74it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4075/4156 [03:34], 4.75it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4076/4156 [03:34], 4.65it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4077/4156 [03:34], 4.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4078/4156 [03:34], 4.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4079/4156 [03:35], 4.59it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4080/4156 [03:35], 4.61it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4081/4156 [03:35], 4.61it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4082/4156 [03:35], 4.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4083/4156 [03:36], 4.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4084/4156 [03:36], 4.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4085/4156 [03:36], 4.53it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4086/4156 [03:36], 4.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4087/4156 [03:36], 4.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4088/4156 [03:37], 4.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4089/4156 [03:37], 4.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4090/4156 [03:37], 4.60it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4091/4156 [03:37], 4.59it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4092/4156 [03:37], 4.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 98%|█████████▊| 4093/4156 [03:38], 4.52it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4094/4156 [03:38], 4.49it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4095/4156 [03:38], 4.46it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4096/4156 [03:38], 4.42it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4097/4156 [03:39], 4.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4098/4156 [03:39], 4.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4099/4156 [03:39], 4.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4100/4156 [03:39], 4.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4101/4156 [03:40], 4.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4102/4156 [03:40], 4.35it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4103/4156 [03:40], 4.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▊| 4104/4156 [03:40], 4.22it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4105/4156 [03:41], 4.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4106/4156 [03:41], 4.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4107/4156 [03:41], 4.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4108/4156 [03:41], 4.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4109/4156 [03:42], 4.07it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4110/4156 [03:42], 4.12it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4111/4156 [03:42], 4.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4112/4156 [03:42], 4.16it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4113/4156 [03:42], 4.17it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4114/4156 [03:43], 4.18it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4115/4156 [03:43], 4.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4116/4156 [03:43], 4.20it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4117/4156 [03:43], 4.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4118/4156 [03:44], 4.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4119/4156 [03:44], 4.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4120/4156 [03:44], 4.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4121/4156 [03:44], 4.17it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4122/4156 [03:45], 4.15it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4123/4156 [03:45], 4.13it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4124/4156 [03:45], 4.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4125/4156 [03:45], 4.08it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4126/4156 [03:46], 4.05it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4127/4156 [03:46], 4.00it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4128/4156 [03:46], 3.97it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4129/4156 [03:46], 3.92it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4130/4156 [03:47], 3.88it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4131/4156 [03:47], 3.84it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4132/4156 [03:47], 3.81it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4133/4156 [03:47], 3.78it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4134/4156 [03:48], 3.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 4135/4156 [03:48], 3.70it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4136/4156 [03:48], 3.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4137/4156 [03:49], 3.69it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4138/4156 [03:49], 3.68it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4139/4156 [03:49], 3.66it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4140/4156 [03:49], 3.64it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4141/4156 [03:50], 3.62it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4142/4156 [03:50], 3.61it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4143/4156 [03:50], 3.58it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4144/4156 [03:51], 3.55it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4145/4156 [03:51], 3.54it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4146/4156 [03:51], 3.50it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4147/4156 [03:51], 3.45it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4148/4156 [03:52], 3.37it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4149/4156 [03:52], 3.34it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4150/4156 [03:52], 3.28it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4151/4156 [03:53], 3.24it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4152/4156 [03:53], 3.19it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4153/4156 [03:53], 3.14it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4154/4156 [03:54], 3.11it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|█████████▉| 4155/4156 [03:54], 3.09it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|██████████| 4156/4156 [03:54], 3.02it/s Predicting with GCN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|██████████| 4156/4156 [03:54], 17.70it/s [2024-04-02 15:55:43] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: Predicting with CNN: 1559 proteins 2024-04-02 15:55:43.920599599 [E:onnxruntime:Default, provider_bridge_ort.cc:1480 TryGetProviderInfo_CUDA] /onnxruntime_src/onnxruntime/core/session/provider_bridge_ort.cc:1193 onnxruntime::Provider& onnxruntime::ProviderLibrary::Get() [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : Failed to load library libonnxruntime_providers_cuda.so with error: libcublasLt.so.11: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2024-04-02 15:55:43.920664133 [W:onnxruntime:Default, onnxruntime_pybind_state.cc:747 CreateExecutionProviderInstance] Failed to create CUDAExecutionProvider. Please reference https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/execution-providers/CUDA-ExecutionProvider.html#requirements to ensure all dependencies are met. Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 0%| | 0/1559 [00:00], ?it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 10%|▉ | 155/1559 [00:00], 211.33it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 20%|█▉ | 310/1559 [00:01], 172.18it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 30%|██▉ | 465/1559 [00:03], 145.65it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 40%|███▉ | 620/1559 [00:04], 125.52it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 50%|████▉ | 775/1559 [00:06], 111.05it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 60%|█████▉ | 930/1559 [00:07], 106.68it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 70%|██████▉ | 1085/1559 [00:09], 101.80it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 80%|███████▉ | 1240/1559 [00:10], 100.78it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 89%|████████▉ | 1395/1559 [00:12], 93.48it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 99%|█████████▉| 1550/1559 [00:15], 81.81it/s Predicting with CNN (GO Cellular Component): 100%|██████████| 1559/1559 [00:15], 100.51it/s [2024-04-02 15:55:59] pipeline.predict_protein_function INFO: meta-DeepFRI finished successfully.