[Forced incarnation / reincarnation. Soul trap] Several pre-birth memories indicate reincarnation / physical life is forced upon souls Alternative title: [Forced reincarnation / soul trap]. Several cases suggestive of forced incarnation. **THIS IS JUST A ROUGH, UGLY, DISJOINTED, UNPOLISHED AND INCOMPLETE DRAFT. THE FINAL VERSION (if it ever comes out) MAY BE QUITE DIFFERENT FROM THE CURRENT ONE** Greetings. I've collected several anecdotes of pre-birth memories that suggest reincarnation is a forced experience. Although I do not fully support the prison planet theory, nor do I believe in shape-shifting reptilian aliens using earth as a loosh farm, there seems to be a set of anecdotes from supposed pre-birth memories that indicate physical existence and reincarnation could be a forced experience, at least for some individuals. It is not my intention to spread baseless fear, instead, my goal with this post is threefold: 1 - Raise awareness of the issue and redpill normies. We can’t deal with a problem if we do not know it exists. A slave can’t free himself if he’s unable to see his chains. IIRC, reincarnation in some religions is already considered involuntary but it is also some sort of natural, automatic process and does not acknowledge the presence of other conscious beings influencing the events like in the reports below. I also hope this post acts as a trigger so that smarter people can look into the issue and find better ways to deal with it. 2 - Raise skepticism regarding spiritual matters. In NDE’s I often see people blindly trusting and giving their power away and obeying unknown entities. During my time on earth I’ve learned three things: a) Authority figures in positions of power will lie and deceive to further their own goals. b) Very few things are as advertised c) the subject of spirituality is marred with falsehoods and deception. Just think about the amount of false religions you are aware of. Considering the 3 points above, I don’t know if we should blindly trust “channeled masters,” or “light beings” and “guides” in NDEs. Instead, I believe it is wise to be skeptical of the narrative that earth is a “school for soul growth” proposed by certain individuals and that in the end, everything is “love, light, rainbows and unicorns”. 3 - Present a (possible) solution to the issue. This is at the end of the post. This text is divided, roughly, in 4 sections: the cases themselves, objections to my argument, a possible solution to the problem, and some side notes (ideas that are only somewhat related to the topic). Just a few caveats: a) these are just reports I found around the web and unfortunately there’s no way for me to know which ones are true and accurate memories, deliberate lies, unwanted fabrications of the human mind and/or memories of genuine events mixed with unwanted fabrications of the human mind. b) it is not my intention to imply everyone is forced to come here, and since everyone is under the veil of forgetfulness, there appears to be no way of knowing how many came willingly and how many were forced or coerced/coaxed/manipulated into agreeing to incarnate. Most of the anecdotes I read were not clear on the matter and in a very small set of them the individual actually expressed a positive feeling regarding their incarnation. It seems there is just not enough data (or this data is quite hidden) to get to a solid conclusion regarding spiritual matters; therefore, apply salt as needed. c) Since we’re dealing with an incomplete data set, any conclusions derived from its analysis should be taken with a grain of salt. Examples: «I;ve had a memory all my life, of being conscious or aware in a place made of solid white, with no corners or form, just white, of course there was a sloor of some kind, because I remember two other beings or powers one on my right one on my left, and then taking me like a prisoner to a edge, we stayed there like waiting on a train to arrive, I looked over the edge, and like my eye's perception come down to the earths surface where I could see evil beings or spirits all over the surface, it was no where you'd desire going, so I stood back straight, turned around and had no idea where to go, but I wanted to stay where I was at. so i was confronted by this power being, that seemed to communicate to me but without sound, like I knew what it was thinking and it knew what I was thinking, it insisted i return to my place on the ledge and follow suit per say, i refused and conveyed my desire to remain in that place, so the two forces come beside me and then by force took me back to the ledge, once there, I again backed away and started moving away from the edge, until the two found me again and took me back again to the edge. while standing on the edge this time, there were other beings to my right and left, and while standing there to my right way off in the distance of the edge, i could see beings jumping off one after the other, i become afraid and again backed up and went away from the edge, the two forces came again and brought me back edge and held me there until the beings jumping off were just 2 -3 people from my right, then it was like some force behind me kicked me off the edge, and then I was free falling from above the clouds towards the earths surface then through a hospital's rood into a room where my mother was in labor giving birth, then I was born and began crying crazy I've had that memory sense I was about 5, so when people tell me you have choices, for me it's just lies» Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtR5RF4eniE Comment by @davidnorman2134 «Yes. I remember being in the spiritual realm just prior to my birth and feeling what I will describe as “humbly apprehensive” about coming here. My sense is that I had no choice. I WAS coming. All communication was telepathic and I remember communicating “but what if I FAIL”?? a being that i remember perceiving as a very wise older man who was of God (though i do not recall seeing a personage) communicated back to me OVER AND OVER again . . . “it NEVER ends. I never, ever, EVER ends” (meaning life).» Source: https://www.quora.com/Do-you-have-the-memory-of-pre-birth-experience-Or-life-here-before-past-life «My guide said, “Life on earth is very hard, and you are about to learn that. Every human on this planet needs to know something very important before they can ascend completely.” “Why don’t you just send someone to earth who remembers this place, and he can tell everyone?” “They have attempted that. Humans cannot fully believe the word of one man.” I did not want to come. I was forced here to learn a lesson. My guide gave me a choice of a hard or easy life. The harder the life, the more growth my soul would make.» Source: https://www.cosmiccradle.com/life-on-earth-is-very-hard-and-you-are-about-to-learn-that/ John: I’m 54. As a child, I knew that I lived before and was forced to come back—”To learn.” I always knew death is total peace and understanding. Everything is OK. I can recall the first time hearing about reincarnation as a very young child. I was shocked that everyone didn’t know about it. Source: https://www.cosmiccradle.com/category/past-life-memories/ «I also have a memory of choosing my life since the age of 4 years. I have wrote the whole thing here on Reddit in different subs, where people where interested in it. I could choose from 4 lives. And i disliked them all they were all messed up in their own way. But I HAD to choose. So much for free will. You could choose literally from 4 different ones almost like they want to give the free will illusion. But there was no way out without choosing ( no free will)» Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/vqivsn/prebirth_memory_choosing_life/ by u/spirit8991 Christine was pushed by her spirit guide. She had the “free will” to choose what kind of life she would live but she was forced to come back. We also don’t know how the conversations with her “guides” went and if she was pressured into choosing from a limited set of choices like the case above. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CerAZR05KXE «I saw the embryo but was communicating with something telepathically. It was telling me I had to enter the embryo, but I got a glimpse of another place and wanted to go there. I was very adamant about not wanting to come back here, but, in a very soothing voice, it simply said, 'you have to go back'.» Source: https://www.oberf.org/marlon_c_prebirth.htm «I simply remember the brightest white light ( my closest description of it is when sun hits fresh untouched snow and it has that sparkle to it ) the incredibly wonderful peaceful, loving feeling I felt and then being very agitated at the fact that I had to 'come here'. I desperately did not want to but for whatever reason I was put here. It is indescribable how mad I remember being that I had to come back.» Source: https://www.oberf.org/carol_w_prebirth.htm «I was still aware of the scene of my room in front of me but it was a dim perception, like watching it on a tiny screen. Instead I was cognizant of being in darkness. It was not a cold, empty and frightening darkness like everyone imagines but instead was filled with the most loving and caring sensation that I have never felt on this earth. I wanted nothing more than to lie forever, basking in the glorious darkness that was at the same time the most loving light that I have ever felt. Like closing your eyes in the sunshine and receiving a warm hug from a loved one but multiplied by a million. Soon a sneaking suspicion that my 'vacation' (it certainly had the air of vacation) was about to be cut short came upon me and I was aware that I had been coaxed from the abyss by two beings who presented themselves to me as floating blue orbs (I was also represented as such). I irritatedly asked them why they were bothering me and they said that I was urgently needed for some kind of situation and that while I slept the other half of my soul (the half that prefers doing over watching) had decided that she would go to earth with or without me to resolve this situation, and so slipped away. I knew that these beings were here to take me from my place of rest and put me into a human body so that I could resolve or help resolve the situation they needed me for and also to re-unite with my hasty soul counterpart. Despite my begrudging sense of duty and my knowledge that my time of rest was up, I defied these two beings and told them to stuff it and that I was going back to sleep. They became slightly agitated and told me that they knew, I knew that I had to comply. However I still was hesitant, remembering past lives spent on Earth, anguishing painful lives that I was still recovering from. They mentioned some kind of promise that I had made and that it was no use trying to back out now. It felt like I was only half awake, caught between two realities. One of wonderful rest and healing and the other, the possibility (or perhaps certainty) that I would have to return to Earth. I was still not convinced that I was needed as badly as they said I was and began drifting back to sleep, half hoping that these beings would leave me be. What happened instead was the cosmic equivalent of a scuffle as I felt my essence seized by these beings and heaved into a gently rotating blue portal that had opened up near us. I had never been as offended as I was when this happened. I sensed that the two blue beings were my old friends and that we had shared many adventures but this awakening of my spirit felt like betrayal. Like I had finally gotten out of the cage only to be forced back in. The vision continued and I was seemingly back in the dark, warm place of comfort I had just left. I remember thinking that coming back to Earth was just a bad dream and that I was still safely snuggled up in the womb of God (for lack of better terminology). My relief was short lived however because actually I was dozing inside of my physical mother's womb (which is almost a replica experience of the darkness), and soon the sounds from outside and the atmosphere of excitement (on the part of others not me) confirmed my worst fears. That the dream of me being forced to come back to Earth in this time of great strife was real and that I already had a body and would have to live through another physical life.» Source: https://www.oberf.org/spencer_prebirth.htm «I have not experienced and NDE - or even OBE - but there is something I would like to share with you. It would be interesting to see if you have had other accounts like the following. When I was about 8 or 9 years old I had a very real/clear dream that before I was born I was sat down and shown what my life was to be in like a movie format. (I never did remember what I was shown.) After that I was "told" that I would now have to go and live my life. (I don't think that everything was set in stone - just that I had to make of it what I could.) I seem to remember a "committee" telling me this. My reaction was that I was reluctant - but resigned - to having to do this, but so angry that I had to live being a child AGAIN.» Source**:** https://www.oberf.org/merilyn_dream.htm «There came a time when I was told that I had to go. I was being told to go to a place. I did not want to, but everyone there had to eventually go. I just did not believe that I would ever have to leave everything behind. I do not know what ‘everything’ is or was, but I knew I had to leave it no matter what kind of argument I put up.» Source: https://afterlifeforums.com/threads/pre-birth-memory-im-new-here-btw.2127/ I will try my best to explain. It was like I was standing in outer space. There was a large, ambiguous male form standing to my right and beckoning towards the Earth. To my left was another ambiguous figure, but this one was feminine. I could not see their faces. We were just sort of standing there, staring at the Earth from outer space. I began crying because the feminine figure explained to me that it was time, I must go to Earth. I cried and was sad, I did not want to go. The male figure was silent the entire time. I remember the feminine figure stroked my hair to try and comfort me. She explained that regardless of my want, I needed to go. She wouldn’t explain any further. I don’t know why I didn’t want to leave. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Reincarnation/comments/zhrion/some_prebirth_memories_indicate_reincarnation/ Harold is coerced and pressured into incarnating. He clearly stated that he did not want to incarnate, but his “guides” made him do it anyway. So much for free will. https://youtu.be/QblF7dRQfcI?t=969 He clearly stated that he said “no” multiples, to no avail. Again: so much for free will, right? https://youtu.be/QblF7dRQfcI?t=9666 Dominic frustrates his guides, gets locked in place and rushed into choosing a life. https://youtu.be/tZaCOACAVIM?t=1415 «Some details are like mine: I chose my mom. I didn't want to be here, so I wanted to soften the blow by remembering what I was leaving. I too was flying down at amazing speeds. I turned my body to fly down on my back so I wouldn't miss a millisecond of what I was leaving. When I got into my baby body in my mom, a voice said, "You can't have that (the memories)." I thought, "Oh no, I just got here & I already have something to answer for." I turned this place down twice before Jesus asked me. I still told him no. I figured, "He asked me and I'm saying NO." He said, "Well, you don't have to go if you don't want to, but I'd like it if you did." I couldn't say no to Him, so here I am. I was shown my pitiful life AFTER I agreed to go, so I couldn't change it. There's so much more...» Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrvw5_pLYP4 Comment by @chomka426 Note: this a clear case of trickery and deception. Bro was played hard here. «They also had this all knowing cheeky streak to them. Like when I said I don’t want to go back I want to stay they were ushering me to Earth saying ‘sorry you have to go, but we will see u again’ almost like with a cheeky smile. They basically told me I have work to do and that I was chosen to see the space and then to come to earth to apply what I had experiences to somehow work on earth here.» Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrvw5_pLYP4 comment by @ize1135 Side Note: he was told he had “work to do” but was given no details. That makes no sense Your memory is so incredibly similar to mine. Its always been with me." I was born in 1980" the balls of energy/light is what I remember and alot of the feelings and sensations you mention. I started searching for this as soon as I got internet, but over the past ten yrs its so many more people sharing their stories and its so validating. There was never no doubt in my mind that this was not a dream or hallucination, it was a memory. I remember being surrounded by others that were coming to earth and I remember the "guides" and the feeling of love i had for them. I was able to choose my parents, despite it not being the best choice in terms if having a easy life. I fell in love with them for some reason. I remember a tunnel with light and feeling a lot of trepidation and not fully wanting to go but feeling like I didn't really have a choice. Thats pretty much where it ended. My mother remembers me being a toddler telling her that I chose her. Its been something I would continue to talk about to my family all through my life. Thank you for sharing yours. My blood type is Rh- so I've always been curious if others with this experience are Rh- it may or may not be of any significance Almost the same experience...I did not want to come here either and miss the weightlessness..telepathy..access to knowledge and the connections I had with other beings. I remember looking at my "body" which was only energy in whatever shape I preferred. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrvw5_pLYP4 comment by @Anna-jr9et «I remember a tunnel with light and feeling a lot of trepidation and not fully wanting to go but feeling like I didn't really have a choice.» Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrvw5_pLYP4 comment by @Laynasmuse «Basically thinking that it couldn't be real because whenever I would speak about to someone parents or peers they would brush me off and say I was tripping or I had a wild imagination. I've always had this strong feeling that it was true. I remember not wanting to leave I wanted to stay. Everything was bright and we all were made of light couldn't see faces but I remember seeing eyes and I remember looking around it was a bunch of was like standing around in like small groups. I was forced to leave but I don't remember picking my momma or who I would be. I remember talking to an higher spirit kind of calming down because I was afraid to leave. Then I just remember I was here. » Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrvw5_pLYP4 comment by @sidekick1606 u/Puzzleheaded-Gap740 is judged in a courtroom and decides to go back rather than deal with such nonsense. He also was not able to read the “contract” and was rushed into another life. He also states that during the life review they “front load the good stuff at the start. Your life review isn't gonna end on a high note...Most if not all people end life with crazy regrets”. source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/15e0ulp/i_remember_before_i_was_born_into_a_human_body/ju63dth/?context=3 How can judgment makes sense if you a) are memory-wiped and unable to remember the mistakes you made in previous lives; b) have to deal with negative influences of your genetics and social environment? This should raise some huge red flags. Rick’s also says he felt extremely anxious and agreed to incarnate only after a compromise of sorts, but still felt he had no choice in the matter: source: https://youtu.be/E933TEzNHEM?t=1550 LeslieJW81 was just told by her guide she would incarnate and forget her memories: «I remember being taken to a cave with no life in it. No plants, no insects, nothing. In the center was something like a well with a vortex in it. I was told my only way out of that cave was to go through that vortex. I did not want to go. I waited and waited as long as I could stand. Alone as far as I could tell. Completely. I finally went through the vortex.» Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/15e0ulp/i_remember_before_i_was_born_into_a_human_body/ju8o90k/?context=3 Angela’s experience: «Then I remember them telling me that I was going to have to go back to earth. Although I had been upset after having to leave earth before, that had all changed. After a short time at home (heaven), I quickly healed from the pain of leaving my family on earth and the entire ordeal and never wanted to go back to earth again. I thought it was much too painful physically, mentally and emotionally. I remember them getting permission or allowing me to keep resting for now. So I did and was relieved. Do no knowhow long they let me keep resting (No Time There). But the time did arrive, and thy were stern but in a sweet, nice encouraging way that I must go now. I cried! I threw a tantrum. They encouragingly told me to pick from some parents or a life? I would not and it seemed that they worked wit me on that for a bit. They attempted to get me to go and look at my choices but I refused. I was extremely upset at the whole thing. After many attempts, they chose for me. They said my mother was very sweet and good and I would like her. I had no choice at this time and I knew it.» Source: https://www.oberf.org/angela_e_other.htm This individual is also forced back. Just like nde’rs, he was so amazed and overwhelmed by the feelings on “the other side” and now his biggest fear in this life is not being able to stay next time he gets there. It disturbs me that people get overwhelmed by these sensations and makes them look like they are being drugged. «You'd have to be there. This sensation is what I remember most of wanting to be with these angels, of wanting to be accepted. I recall knowing that I was not as pure (for want of a better word) as these beings, that they were in some sense higher than I was, but that they loved me (and in fact everything/everyone). The being to my right I described earlier I do not remember any more of. There was a flow of understanding between the angelic beings and myself, they understood me, I think I was just in awe of them for my part. I felt very small, very humble (again an understatement). I am then aware of meeting someone/something and communicating but this is a blank. A deliberate blanking I feel I was not allowed to remember what took place. It was a meeting with something more powerful, and I didn’t have any choice in whatever it was that took place. But the upshot was that I had to return down the tunnel. The other sensation I remember most vividly at this point was that I was so angry/disappointed/sad (you could probably merge all these emotions into one) that I could not stay. This was a big blow to me. I was *really* sad/angry. I remember going down the tunnel (no choice on my part, I just went). After that, it’s childhood memories.» «I've always thought to myself, I don't want to come back here (again). Which is sad I guess, but when you've experienced the absolute joy (not describable) I have you really don't want anything but that. I've started to read the NDE accounts on this site, and can identify strongly with many of them. Sadly, I don't remember (or not allowed to) the reason why I am here and not there. Or what I'm supposed to do here. What I really am looking for when I recall my experience is how am I doing? Am I making mistakes? What do I have to do?. I really, really, really don't want to have to come back because I made a mistake, or didn’t live my life in the correct way, or didn’t measure up. How do you know how you are doing?» Source: https://www.oberf.org/ep_other.htm Alien abductee Steve Boucher said it was decreed “by the higher ups” he had to incarnate. He also met another individual who said he would have to go back because he tried to self delete and didn’t complete his mission. Source: https://youtu.be/EZfAI73G_Wo?t=703 Note: Imagine having a life so miserable you try to off yourself just to be told you gotta go back. Isn’t that nice? But the afterlife is all about love, light, rainbows and unicorns, right? @dennylee1863 Very similar to my memories. I also did not have a choice. I was not in a "room" like you described. It was like I was floating over the earth. But seeing the planet is very vivid to me. My "Guide" also showed me my parents at there wedding where I remember a drunken uncle of mine falling into the cake ( which was verified some years later ) . I definitely remember not wanting to leave to earth. I remember one sentence my guides told me "it will only be for 60 to 70 years" lol only source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbLoZXwMoTw&t=0s (youtube comment) @NordicMeatShield I have had a very similar memory from before i could even walk, i remember being in a dim white lit room with an oval window looking down over the Earth, it seemed like a spaceship? i was sat on a futuristic looking table with humanoid beings around me (like in your video) i only seen the white and blue type. i was told i had to go back which i didn't want to do but they insisted i went back, they gave me a choice of 2 lifes I remember i wasn't happy about any of them but i had to pick one, then i was told some more details about this life i picked which have come true, i was asked if i wish to remember and i said yes (maybe to help me get through the hardship i would face knowing there is more to life than what we experience on Earth) ....i believe we are beings of energy, the Earth must be some kind of training program (school) for us, sounds crazy but maybe even some kind of advanced simulation? how else would they know what would happen to us in this life? source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbLoZXwMoTw&t=0s (youtube comment) u/spike_777777 PBM «It’s sort of hard to tell the pre birth memory in a chronological fashion because it feels like it all happened at once. Anyway, as all of this was going on, I remember two beings calling me away from this scene. I never saw their forms but I remember there were two separate voices during their interaction with me. I did not want to leave the void and attempted to resist their ploy. They proceeded to coerce me into leaving the void and going their direction. It felt like a magnet was pulling me and I couldn’t muster the strength required to resist. Even so, I attempted to flee many times but I remember them shushing me and a powerful anesthetic feeling coming over my being & consciousness. It felt like what would happen to a toy sail boat in water if you tied a heavy rock to it. I continued trying to fight my way back towards the higher space that I had just “fallen” from but I only became more weak & tired. I definitely faded in and out of consciousness at this point. It felt like I went down some tubes/tunnels and then I have a faint image of the earth from what would’ve been from the exosphere then I eventually lost all consciousness.» Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/16oqual/how_i_got_here/ Wayne Bush, from trickedbythelight.com received emails from people who claimed to have pre-birth memories. Tony is drawn to and paralyzed by a feminine more powerful entity and sent to earth against his will. Source: https://youtu.be/E933TEzNHEM?t=558 I suggest you read all of the accounts fully instead of reading only the snippets here. u/Sandi_T complained that some of us see love as being a trap and the reality is that anyone who knows about NDE’s is also aware that attachment to relatives is one of the key reasons people decide to stay on this realm/go back to their bodies. And if the pre-birth memory below is an accurate depiction of reality, bonds are one of the reasons people reincarnate: «The people I should meet would be older, and I could never have this moment or chance again. Time was faster on "earth", than here where I was..It was black around me, but not dark. It was lightened with a color in blue or something..**I did not want to go, but I have to. I have to follow "the rest"..**the one I had started my jurney with..» Source: https://reincarnationforum.com/threads/pre-birth-memory.169/ I have experienced something similar. But before the light, I remember being chased by something in a room full of doors. When the hunter got me, everything went black but I wasn't scared anymore. The next thing I remember was being told that my life would be hard. Staying in that place, whatever that place was like, wasn't an option though. I've been told that I should keep my faith. I didn't want to leave but one moment after this I was surrounded by light. That moment I thought that I got all the answers to all questions I ever had. The next thing I remembered was being thrown into a body. That's when I was playing with my cousin and when I first experienced life on earth. I am just a nobody with nothing but bad luck. My "memories" probably don't mean anything, I wanted to share them anyways. I really hope that one person can tell me why I might remember the doors and the hunter, because it might be more than just a bad dream for me but I don't know what it is… Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64bjIcKE78A Comment by @Miki-hz2jo I too have a similar memory from before I came here, I remember not wanting to leave. But a voice told me it’s time for you to go. I felt as if I had no choice in the matter, I was forced to incarnate. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfziaNeDRAA Comment by @LaTremendaChica Omg. I remember it too. I wasn't happy about here. At all. I hated the material world. I remember i came from the dark nothingness and it was a really comfortable place until i was forced to come here. It's insane. Are we serious?? This actually makes it really exciting because this means that things are really interest Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfziaNeDRAA Comment by @SamanthaSharmah I have same memory. Light beings pushed me here. They telepathically told me "its been decided" when i asked why earth??? Why there???... i also been shown my parents and another family from which I chose my parents. I was shown my life to approximately 15 years of age. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfziaNeDRAA Comment by @Galaxstase Hence it is not a surprise that some believe marriage, children and close connections are to be avoided in order to prevent the creation of "karmic" ties. These anecdotes above are few and far between, but I think they should be taken seriously, especially when it seems our free will is not being respected. They're all different but one common trait is evident: individuals are being told/forced by other entities to do something against their will. As a bonus, it should be also noted that in the Book Journey of Souls the word “indoctrination” is explicitly used when it comes to “persuading” souls into reincarnation: «Dr. N: Let's go back to what you were saying about the instructors giving people a push to leave the spirit world. Would you prefer that they not do this? S: Oh ... I'd like to stay... but the instructors don't want us hanging around here too long or we will get into a rut. Dr. N: Could you insist on staying? S: Well ... yes ... the instructors don't force you to leave because they are so gentle. (laughs) But they have their ways of ... encouraging you when the time comes. Dr. N: Do you know of anyone who didn't want to be reborn again on Earth for any reason? S: Yes, my friend Mark. He said he had nothing to contribute anymore. He was sick of life on Earth and didn't want to go back. Dr. N: Had he lived many lives? S: No, not really. But he wasn't adjusting well in them. Dr. N: What did the teachers do with him? Was he allowed to stay in the spirit world? S: (reflectively) We choose to be reborn when it is decided we are ready. They don't force you to do anything. Mark was shown he did benefit others around him. Dr. N: What happened to Mark? S: After some more ... indoctrination ... Mark realized he had been wrong about his abilities and finally he went back to Earth. Dr. N: Indoctrination! This makes me think of coercion. S: (disturbed by my remark) It's not that way at all! Mark was just discouraged and needed the confidence to keep trying. Note: Case 10 in Chapter Four on displaced souls told us about how souls who had absorbed too much negative energy from Earth were "remodeled." Case 22 also mentioned the need for restoration with some damaged souls. These are more extreme alterations than the basic reframing apparently used on Mark's tired soul. Dr. N: If the guides don't force you, could a soul absolutely refuse to be reborn? S: (pause) Yes ... I guess you could stay here and never be reborn if you hated it that much. But the instructors told Mark that without life in a body, his studies would take longer. If you lose having direct experience, you miss a great deal..» Source: Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives 20a83b924b8dd8f68956ff1a7a6ed573a44f316755c9cdd8d74eb0a6 So even if you have no desire to reincarnate you will always be nagged and pressured into submission, just like Harold. This excerpt reminds me something Dolores Cannon said regarding heaven: it won’t last because “they” will come knocking like annoying Jehova’s witness on your door to take you to the life review because you’re are not “learning” and basically wasting your life. If that’s the case, perhaps you should do as I do: ignore them. Source: https://youtu.be/FhjoEnG4gww?t=1115 There is also the fact that the beings people encounter in NDE’s are sometimes able to shapeshift, which indicates deception is quite possible: «It was when I was in mid-air that the spiritual experience occurred. I recall flashes of parts of my life up to that point, a bright light in one direction, begin drawn in that direction, an inquiry to me as to which religious symbolic form I wanted the presence to appear in, a few options, then my image of Jesus Christ in a blue robe appeared." - Andrew C» Source: https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1andrew_c_nde.html «So the thoughts came into my head: what kind of form or shape would make you most comfortable. “What do you mean?” I thought back. Some require me to take the shape of a wise old man, others a woman and still others an animal, all of different races, ages, sizes or species. What about you? I thought without hesitation “Human.”. With that the light began to simultaneously separate into amazing rays of color and intensify into a more solid form. Once the light reached the stage where it looked like a human form, a rather generic looking cookie cutter shape, like a gingerbread man, I thought, “That is enough, I am comfortable with this form.” The shape could move and was three dimensional. It was composed entirely of light and rays of luminescent color emanated from every part of it. I saw the color again, many years later when I first saw iridescent material. The feelings of safety, love and peace were even greater in its presence. We were still communicating through thoughts. This Being wanted to know what voice I required, man, woman, child, etc. I chose that of a man (An interesting choice to analyze at this point in my life.). I don’t recall any communication about what language to use. I wanted to know what to call this light form. It began to tell me some of the many names for god that our world cultures use. I interrupted, “God” worked for me, even if I wasn’t sure at that time in my life if I even believed in God. Whatever the light truly was, I recognized it as a pure energy form. I never actually called it God, but I also recognized that many of the people I knew would have called it that.» - Kathi B Source: https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1kathi_b_nde.html Anticipating some objections: 1 – The feeling of love: Some may object by pointing to the “love”. Harold felt and the overwhelming love others feel during NDE’s, which could indicate an overall “vibe” of the spirit world; however if you truly love someone you don’t force them to do what they don’t wish to do, especially when it comes to incarnating into this shithole. It’s also important to question whether these feelings are actually real. There is a known concept in Psychology called love-bombing, used by cults and individuals to manipulate others. It appears that people in NDE’s are so intoxicated with the feelings of “love” and “bliss” that they are unable to think critically about their situation and end up blindly trusting “god” and “guides”, completely giving their sovereignty away. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-excess/201902/love-bombing https://health.clevelandclinic.org/love-bombing Here’s Harold’s reply to a comment on his PBM video: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrvw5_pLYP4&t=5s) @Lisa-in-this-world Thank you for sharing this 🤗 I have a couple of questions... You didn't want to come here and made that clear to them, yet you did step into the pool and made some decisions about your life here. Can you get a sense of what would have happened if you had made a stand and totally refused. What would the consequences have been? What was it they conveyed to you that made you go ahead with it all? You mentioned that it was just a blip in time being spent here, in relation to your existence there. So was it your feelings of love towards them and knowing that it was going to be quick that convinced you or something else? At then end you mentioned you were thinking of revealing a few more details but didn't... are you ready to give those details now? @dunforever1052 Hi Lisa. Yes I made it very clear to them that I didnt want to come. I ended up consenting to the experience. When I was looking at the "earth realm" and feeling terror. I was overwhelmed with love. The love bombed me and assured me all will be ok and yes showed me it was an extremely short experience in comparison to their perceived time. I had zero sense of what would happen if I completely refused. I was in a total state of naivety. And felt almost childlike. So the thought of saying NO and competely refusing wasnt even on my mind. Its kind of hard to explain that honestly. The extra details I didnt mention I covered in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QblF7dRQfcI&t=3342s 2 – «In many cases consent was given regardless of the overall circumstances». Nagging and pressuring someone into giving consent is not acceptable behavior. You probably would not approve of your daughter’s boyfriend pressuring and nagging her into having sex with him, would you? 3 – «Incarnating here is necessary for soul growth.» It changes nothing regarding my initial statement: that this is a forced experience. Besides, our evolution should not be anyone’s business but ours and since we can’t remember previous mistakes, it is questionable if we can actually learn from them. Imagine everyday you get to work you start as a newbie, completely forgetting every mistake you made in the previous day. It sounds stupid. Michael Newton states people can take more than a thousand years to overcome some negative traits. What kind of learning system is that? “As with any educational model, students find certain lessons more difficult than others. One of my clients has not been able to conquer envy for 850 years in numerous lives, but she did not have too much trouble overcoming bigotry by the end of this same period. Another has spent nearly 1700 years off-and-on seeking some sort of authoritative power over others” Source: Michael Newton - Journey of Souls, Chapter 8: Our Guides 4 - «Reincarnation is just the natural order of things.» Bullshit. In nature an apple does not need help from “guides” to fall from a branch. It just does because of gravity. 5 - «People were given choices regarding which lives to pick, so there is choice.» Being forced to pick between two types of poison is still being forced to drink poison. 6 - «Well, these people have bad karma to deal with, that’s why they are being forced to reincarnate» Karma, as some sort of retributive justice system, makes very little sense. How can you learn from your mistakes if you forget them? Not only that, but you will also be under the negative influence of the world around you and your genetics, which could result in even more negative karma. Imagine this: a man with psychopathic tendencies raised in a poor, broken home in backwards sexist society will treat women very differently than a woman with a highly stable (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/neuroticism) and naturally agreeable (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/agreeableness) personality raised by wealthy, good parents in a western, developed, “progressive” country. 6b - «Well, you don’t remember the lessons or mistakes, but your subconscious soul does.» Although the apparent presence of phobias related to previous lives could suggest this is the case to some individuals, it is not really possible to verify if the “lessons learned” are transmitted to the new life. Once again we must take one’s background into consideration. A person who appears to be more morally evolved could have simply genetic and social predispositions for acting that way. Th 7 - “Well, that’s nice but the [religious text A] and [religious tradition B] state [religious dogma C]” OR “Well, you see, [Entity X] spoke through [Channeler Y] and stated [bullshit Z]. I don’t know why religious texts or “channeled” messages should take precedence over evidence even if such evidence is anecdotal. Since our current limitations preclude a systematic, empirical research of the spiritual world, collecting anecdotes and analyzing them appears to be the best we’ve got. So, the problem has been presented, but what about the solution? What can be done to avoid reincarnation? Although this topic is way beyond my paygrade, I have created a protocol that perhaps could be useful. Once again there are a few caveats: this protocol is hypothetical, because I cannot, for reasons that are more than obvious, run tests to verify its effectiveness; and provisional, because it must be altered or abandoned if new data dictates it. Despite not knowing if it is misguided or if its the right thing, I think it’s better than going completely unprepared. I am also making assumptions I’m not sure are completely true. Once again, apply salt as needed. One’s mindset appears to influence the death process, that’s why people who attempt to self delete and/or and live negative lives can have distressing ndes (e.g. https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1analisa_d_nde.html ), therefore we should strive to acquire and maintain a positive mindset throughout our lives in order to make death and the transition easier. That’s how I think you can accomplish this: 1 - Be kind and “loving”: I mean “love” in the pragmatic sense of the word: selflessly will the good of your neighbor. Live by the golden rule: treat others as you would expect to be treated and have your neighbor’s best interest in mind when dealing with him. I also stress the importance of kindness because you can be loving without being kind. Think of a father who beats his son in order to discipline him. The father has his son’s best interests in mind, but using violence to achieve that end is questionable. I think being kind and loving improves one’s mindset and mood while benefitting society as a whole. 2 - Remember the human: It may be difficult to be kind and loving when people are being mean to you, but remember this: everyone is under amnesia and being negatively influenced by the personality traits of the body they inhabit, their upbringing and their family’s worldview society’s worldview and the media. Considering the points above and the fact many may be in this world against their will should be enough to conclude the people you dislike or even despise are more deserving of compassion and forgiveness than hatred. “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” - Brad Meltzer Perhaps that person that was a jerk to you simply had a really rough day at work, just like you had a rough day at work a while ago. In many NDE’s people have a life review in which their actions are reflected back on them. They feel how their actions, words and even thoughts impacted others, as if they were in their shoes. One more reason to be kind, loving, tolerant and forgiving of others’ mistakes. Forgive and let go. According to Dolores Cannon, it is the best way to get rid of karma (source: https://youtu.be/Bsfjhdpbnos?t=4353). I’m not sure if it is true, but it does appear that it removes negative weight from your shoulders and I also suppose it has a small impact on reality. Think it like this: positive thoughts output positive energy and lead to positive actions that have a positive impact on reality. Negative thoughts generate cursed energy and do the opposite. By forgiving and letting go you stop the output of negative energy generated by the thoughts of getting back at that individual that did you wrong. It is beneficial to the whole and to yourself that the output of cursed energy has stopped. Perhaps, forgiving and letting it all go mirrors Buddhism’s idea of detachment. 3 - Avoid negativity: If we are mindful of what we eat, we should also care about what we feed our minds. Cut off any source of negativity in your life, like social media and the news. Analyze how these make you feel and ponder whether or not wasting time with them is worth it (it is not). Perhaps cutting off the news will make you feel “ignorant” of worldly affairs, but your mental health is way more important than that. Unfortunately, news sites are focused way too much on negative events that you have no control of when you should be focusing on matters in your life you can actually change. This advice is also valid for Reddit. You must avoid and unsub from subreddits that make you feel angry, sad or depressed, which includes the one you’re in right now (r/escapingprisonplanet). Unsubscribe from any YouTube channel that makes you feel negative emotions. Unfortunately YouTube will still recommend them to you. In order to fix that, click on the three dots near the thumbnail and then click on “Does not interest me” and/or “Do not recommend this channel”. You might have to do that several times until YouTube stops recommending them to you. avoid entertainment that makes you feel angry, sad and/or depressed. By “entertainment” I mean tv shows, podcasts, movies, anime, manga, music and video games. Pay attention to how they make you feel. If playing CS:GO makes you feel bad afterwards, seek another game or another hobby. In their place, try finding entertainment that makes you feel the opposite: light, calm and happy. Remember: it takes two to tango. If you can avoid conflict and negative interactions with other people in real life and online, do it. 3 - We can contribute to make the world a little better than what it was. We should act speak and write in ways to have a positive impact, to improve the situation and the world. We must avoid negative words towards situations and others and we should specially avoid negative actions. Our words and actions should be based on love (selflessly willing the good of your neighbor, having his best interests in mind) and on reason and logic, avoiding emotional behavior. Before thinking or acting, one should ponder weather the impact will be positive or negative. 4 - Exercise and get sun regularly. This can improve your mood. 5 - Meditate regularly. 6 - I also recommend watching/listening to NDE’s and pre-birth reports on YouTube. The idea is to get used to “the other side” and become aware of the possibilities. I suggest using a site like bestmp3converter.com (use a webproxy/vpn if you can’t access the site from your country) to get the mp3 file and an app like Podcast Addict to play it. 7 - Create the habit of being thankful. This can also improve your mood and improve your state of mind. You can always find something to be grateful for, like being healthy, having food on your table everyday, a roof over your head and a pocket device that lets you listen to the greatest composers mankind has produced. Now that we got the living part done, let’s talk about death: More caveats: I don’t remember dying before and, for reasons that are more than obvious, I cannot run experiments to test the effectiveness. Keep that in mind. According to Michael Newton (line 586 on https://onlinetextsharing.com/michael-newton-destiny-of-souls-ghosts ), people get stuck on earth as a ghost or spend time on earth to see their funerals and comfort loved ones. According to some NDE’S people can move to wherever they like with thought and intention ( https://youtu.be/kmajN8_SqTs?t=344 ) There are also anecdotes regarding after-death communication, when a living individual feels the presence or is visited in dreams by people who passed away. To me this suggests people’s will and intent play a key role in the spiritual realm, therefore: 1 - While on earth one should set some goals regarding the afterlife scenario. He must focus on a) Sovereignty (your own power and autonomy to do as you please as a disembodied soul, as long as you don’t harm others). b) Non-interference (being free from interference by “guides,” “loved ones” and “god”). In some NDE’s people state they are pulled or drawn upwards and towards the light. To avoid this I would suggest sending some sort telepathic message to the universe and those who may be listening: stay the fuck away from me after my death. I’ve listened to several NDE’s and a common pattern I’ve observed is that people mindlessly follow and obey whatever their “guides” tell them to do. c) absolutely not going toward the bright light and remaining on the physical plane in order to slowly retrieve his memories of past lives and only then thinking about what to do next. Remember: within your memories there is knowledge and knowledge is power. Think of the technology we have: it is only available because the knowledge of the world and how it works (e.g. we can use electricity because some people **knew** how it worked). In a dark forest, the soldier with night vision goggles is more likely to survive and beat his opponents. I say “slowly retrieve” because being overwhelmed by information could destabilize your mind. Only after retrieving your memories and analyzing them you can move on. Some caveats: Here I’m assuming our memories are just blocked instead of wiped.You might also consider the possibility of having to deal with hostile entities nearby. Unfortunately I have no idea how to deal with this situation. Perhaps fleeing would be the best option. Remaining on the physical plane is important because it is a familiar, stable (not as malleable as the astral planes) place and you already know how to navigate it. I also speculate in the physical plane it is less likely you will be influenced or love-bombed by those entities. It is important to think and reach conclusions without their influence. Imagine this: it would be somewhat harder for a CIA goon to capture and kill you if you are in a country far away from the US that has no extradition treaty with it. Not impossible, perhaps, but more difficult. And personally, I much rather stay on earth as a ghost than going to “heaven” and be “loved” just to be coerced back into another body. I’d much rather be free than being “loved” and bossed around. I suggest choosing a specific place as some sort of anchor point (like your home) to focus and go to just after death. According to some NDE reports, movement is done with thought; thus, you must focus on the desired target and imagine yourself going towards it. There are two examples of movement done with thought: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmajN8_SqTs&t=2477s https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/choice-reincarnation#Geographical_Proximity Here I’m assuming a state of affairs in which you die and just “detach” from your body. This is the best case scenario, but in some NDE’s people end up in some sort of “void space”. Unfortunately I don’t know how could one proceed in this scenario, but I think that perhaps focusing on the desired goal is still a good alternative. An alternative to the physical plane would be to focus on creating your own realm/reality and reside in it until you’re ready to move on. You can find examples of creating your own reality in some NDE’S, like in this one, for example: https://www.tiktok.com/@museumoftarot/video/7331921890803485995 minute 01:55 Trying to go to outer space or jumping to other dimensions/planes could be dangerous because we don’t know how their respective rules work. There In a nutshell: What I hope is that by focusing on holding on to one’s identity /sense of self, the concept of power / self-empowerment the concept of control over one’s fate He will be able to forge his path after death. You must focus on recovering your memories and you must proceed only after that. In the end I want to focus on self-empowerment, since a more powerful individual is less likely to be taken advantage of. Unfortunately what I see in religions is always subservience instead of empowerment. Most people give their sovereignty away to an Abrahamic god and a good deal of those who don’t, submit themselves instead to the belief that one must keep coming back to clear karma. Is there any evidence that avoiding the white light and staying on the earth plane is possible in the first place? For that you can check “The Displaced Soul” chapter on Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls (https://archive.org/details/michael-newton-journey-of-souls-the-displaced-soul) the chapter on Ghosts in Michael Newton’s Destiny of Souls ( https://onlinetextsharing.com/michael-newton-destiny-of-souls-ghosts ), although I am not sure if what he says about the wishes of the dead being respected is true, considering this present text. this paper on pre-birth memories: Paranormal Aspects of Pre-Existence Memories in Young Children This paper on reincarnation: Cases of the Reincarnation Type with Memories from the Intermission Between Lives: https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/360/2016/12/REI31.pdf Now you know what to do, but how do you make sure that it goes as planned? Well, imagining your death process, the act of going to the desired place and getting your memories back should be a daily practice, alongside making this affirmation: “This is the place I will come after death. I will remain lucid during my death process. I will remain myself and no one is allowed to interfere with my goals.” And as I mentioned before, do not forget to tell others to stay away from you after death. Regarding the anchor point, I literally imagine severals anchors flowing away from my souls and anchoring myself to a desired location, preventing me from being sucked away by the light. It is also recommended to learn how to astral project and lucid dream as these skills would help you get used to move around in out-of-body state. There are subreddits/videos/books focused solely on that. If any "god," "loved ones" and "guides" try interfering with us, we must bring up the Law of Free Will (if there actually is such a thing) and the right to keep to ourselves and do as we please (as long we're not harming others), although I believe we should avoid communicating with these things at all costs, since after death we may be way too disoriented and quite easy to deceive, which also implies engaging in intellectual arguments would be a waste of time (imagine a child who just woke up after a long night of sleep and who barely knows the rules of chess trying to play against Magnus Carlsen). Since it appears intention is way more powerful on the other side, it is important to set your goals now, while incarnated, so you have a clear direction after bodily death. Focus on the recovery of all your memories after death and state daily and as strongly as possible that you are powerful, sovereign, that nobody will or has the right to interfere with you. Whether or not the Prison Planet theory is true matters very little. Following my protocol has no drawbacks: if you’re wrong you move on like you normally would, but if you’re right, you are finally free. Some random side notes:: I find it funny that in both NDE’s and pre-birth memories it is not attachments that make people go back to their bodies or reincarnate. Most just feel happy and free after leaving their bodies, but they are just being forced by individuals more powerful than them. Imagine wasting your life as a buddhist monk to avoid attachments just to die and being forced to go back and reincarnate nonetheless. Perhaps it is just some biased perception on my side, but in both NDE’s and PBM I get the impression people look like naïve children being led around like sheep. Not that I’m criticizing them, after all, I probably behaved the same way considering I am also in this physical world. I wonder if people with strong personalities like Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos also become doormats after death. In some som NDE’s there appears to be some sort of memory wipe happening during the death process. This is expressed with phrases like “my earthly life was just a distant dream” or something of the sort.Tom Campbell, physicist and author of My Big Toe also admits this happens. He also states the beings people see, like their loved ones are not actually them. For him, it is just a means the system uses to comfort people during death. Source: https://youtu.be/RFniuobfv5E?t=1795. I find it interesting that someone who does not believe in the Prison Planet Stuff also thinks it’s all bullshit. I also wonder what is the “bounding factor” that makes people obey these entities in the spiritual realm. Here on earth the bounding factor that makes people obey others is material needs. Some obey their abusive bosses and humiliate themselves because not doing so means being fired, not being able to pay rent and going homeless. Children stay with their abusive parents because they do not have any means to leave and survive on their own; but what would be the limiting factor in a realm where material needs appear to be non-existent? I hypothesize that love-bombing/drugging could play a role in this, but I’m not sure. Some things I could gather from my research: In the spiritual realm there is order and hierarchy, with normie souls (you and me) being at the bottom and the council of elders being at the top. There is a organizational structure that controls the reincarnation process Souls in authority positions can violate free will without repercussions There is a power difference between souls, with some being larger and more powerful than others, to the point of being able to paralyze and force others to re/incarnate. There is “indoctrination” and soul classes as mentioned by Michael Newton. Since the points above are present in dictatorships on earth, this leads me to hypothesize the spiritual realm is also an authoritarian social structure that is capable of forcing physical life on souls. I also hypothesize that many of the individuals would not feel forced because of the indoctrination they suffered. They happily agreed to incarnate because of that. Had they disagreed and refused, they would have been pressured into submission just like Harold and others. The apparent benevolence people experience indicates they could be quite proficient in deception or these controllers (archons if you will) see their system as some sort of benevolent dictatorship. This is, of course, highly speculative. There’s no need to take it very seriously. An alternative is that there are different soul groups in the spiritual world and that some groups are run by authoritarian leaders or “gods” while others are not. I also recommend mn interesting video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAAH24Ws258 Common Denominators in Pre-Birth Memories It's a compilation of data points from several PBM’s. It’s long (25 mins) and somewhat dry, but worth watching. Perhaps I’m just paranoid and being forced to incarnate is like being forced to go to school, but that’s debatable because as I pointed out before, we cannot remember the mistakes in our previous lives and our own and besides that, our development shouldn’t be anyone’s business but our own.